who has more authority in your relationship, you or your partner?

May 31, 2008 04:47

It would've been easier -- and cheaper -- to just have pinpointed straight to the villa. Having sent most of her luggage ahead of her that way made it even more of a logical move. It would've been practical. She had the resources to take advantage of; she should take advantage of them instead of making things needlessly more complicated.

Somehow, though, the peculiar sense of normalcy of bustling through check in and worrying about the sort of things one worried about in an unfamiliar airport was reassuring. So too was stepping on the plane, finding her seat and not thinking about how long it had been since she'd done this, or the downed plane outside that town in Wisconsin. Or anything to do with Wisconsin, actually, or anything more worrying than what she wanted to drink and whether or not she needed a pillow.

At one point in the flight, she ended up an impromptu babysitter for a younger couple in the next aisle. Jane wanted to sit in her lap and point out interestingly shaped words in Elizabeth's book, and was particularly delighted when she discovered her own name, and particularly proud of recognizing it for what it was all by herself. Miss Jane was back across the aisle before the flight was over, but made a point of bye, Dr Elizabeth when they touched down in Barcelona.

Getting through customs was as tedious as she'd almost forgotten it being -- almost moreso, actually. It was with some relief she remembered perfectly clearly not needing to spend any time waiting on her suitcases.

When she found Nathan, tired and pleased but mostly tired and extremely ready to just get to the villa, the second thing she noticed was the fact there were two divinely beautiful golden automatae standing behind him.

"Oh, god."

She was pretty sure she could see a 'well, yes' expression on one of those faces.

Patient Name: Elizabeth Weir
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis (AU)
Word Count: 315
Patient's Partner: Nathan Scaevola (X-Men movieverse), and...kind of Hephaistos Klytometis (Greek mythology)
Notes: Although Hephaistos very kindly offered Elizabeth beautiful bouncing baby boys, they are not a couple. With PURE SOPHISTRY I am justifying this prompt response with their mutual attraction. FURTHERMORE, the automatae are not my characters but used here with permission, and this prompt is set this time next month. \m/!

stargate atlantis: elizabeth weir

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