Sanctuary 3x05 : Hero II

Nov 13, 2010 22:55

SPOILERS for "Hero II"

First off, I do have to say that this episode was not my favorite. I do, however like the idea that they brought Walter and the suit back. Anyway, here are my thoughts on the episode: It was interesting to see how much Helen’s hair has changed since Hero. I loved her hair from "Hero" (season 2), long and straight. Not that I don’t love the curls, but these pictures are stunning.

Love the beginning scene between Kate, Henry and Helen. Helen seemed to be somewhere between amused and upset. As they came out of the elevator she seemed to be amused and avoiding the subject (Invasion of Normandy in 1944) just because she knew what was going on. Then, as Kate and Henry began arguing about Helen's response, her attitude changed. The more she realized how much they had been prying into her stuff, she seemed to get more serious. And though I totally get how it would be fascinating to know if Helen was actually there, Kate and Henry seem a little insensitive to the situation.

How is it that Amanda can still look very attractive even in a hazmat suit? And seriously, what the heck is up with Will’s hair? I saw a video with Robin, Ryan, Amanda, and Damian and someone asked them about Will’s hair. Robin did this great Christopher Walken impersonation and they showed a picture of Christopher from a movie with crazy hair. Watch the video here: Sanctuary Roundtable Discussion.

Henry: "This is why we do monthly drills, huh?"

So much for Will's keen sense of perception. Of course, Kate was talking quite a lot, but still. He totally should have seen what was coming there. He is probably kicking himself for that mistake. Since seeing what happens in the previews, you know Kate is going to be the one who gets the suit and becomes the "Hero". However, it seems that she is a little too ready for the role. I mean, her hair isn't usually that out of control. It would have been netter if there was a bigger difference between the before and after. Just a thought.

"[I'm] The Adjuster. And it's time to turn down the volume."

Wow! That is some line. LOL. Okay, now we are getting into the Walter part of the story. I am guessing that he wrote the comic books and now got a movie, but TPTB decided to change things around a bit, so it isn't actually his story anymore. That is what I got from it.

So, Kate totally looks like Catwoman. They probably could have come up with something a little more creative, but she can pull it off, so it’s all good. The part is so perfect for her, a little scary actually, especially after what we saw in "Bank Job". She could be a very dangerous villain. Good thing she is usually on our side. So I am wondering how long it takes for the super powers to kick in! Poor Kate getting tortured reminds me of Ashley and the Cabal.

St. Pierre: "They are going to use both of us as bait for their Marlin fishing exersion."

Great to see Walter again! Awkward as ever. So excited to see Henry!! He looks a little bit more clean cut this season, and I love how he really wants to tell Walter what he thinks about the movie, yet he doesn't want to hurt his feelings, and he is feeling bad that Walter seemed to cut off all communication with him. But, I kinda get where Walter is coming from. His movie dreams are not exactly going where he wants it too. The poor guy just wants attention and to be a part of something, which is what got him in trouble in the first place (a hot girl always gets info out of guys like him).

Despite what we first saw of St. Pierre, he really doesn't seem like such a bad guy. He is only just trying to get the suit back so he doesn't die. And, I was thinking that the suit doesn't really have super powers? The reason she becomes so powerful is that whatever they did to her went wrong and now she is going crazy. That is what I am getting out of it. Especially since when Helen saw her, Helen didn't expect her to act like that. She expected her to still have control and know that she had to get rid of the suit, especially since Kate was there for the first "Hero". Ooops . . . Now she is out on the prowl. Some extra special features in this episode. Kate climbing up the wall reminded me of Spiderman. Not exactly what I think of for SANCTUARY, but I know that they are trying to do new things.

"I was really hoping we wouldn't run into each other. It's kind of awkward."

St. Pierre must know that Helen was acquainted with his grandfather (I am guess) though Helen had never met Virgil. I guess it would be kind of awkward to know that she is that old. But he seems polite enough and he's kinda funny. In this scene, where Helen is confronting St. Pierre, she looks great in that leather jacket and the look on her face is brilliant! This guy would have to be so intimidated standing in front of her. Not only is he being yelled at by HELEN MAGNUS, which would be terrifying enough, he is also worrying about the suit that he lost and the fact that he might become fish bait.

I guess you gotta give Kate credit for not attacking Helen and the gang. Instead, she goes after some bad guys. I would too, if I were her. And, she didn't kill him, she just beat 'em up a little bit. All she wanted was an "I'm sorry."

"All I want is my apology. No, like you mean it."

Helen’s accent seems to have become more subtle. Especially in this scene when they are back at the Sanctuary talking about how to get the suit off of Kate. It could also just be that I am getting used to hearing Amanda talk like that. Though, before watching this ep yesterday, I did watch "Stargate Continuum" and before rewatching this ep so that I could write this review, I watched 6 episodes of "Stargate SG-1. Loved seeing Amanda as Carter. But it’s so weird to me still that I can separate her as two completely different characters. I think that she does such a good job, that even if they were in the SAME show, I wouldn’t see them both as the same person. It really amazes me.

So, before, when I said that at least Kate wasn't attacking Helen . . . yeah, well I kind of forgot about this part. :) But, as we found out, her brain has been effected and she is not herself. I don't understand why the suit didn't want to go back to Walter. What was up with the flashback? Did the suit know that Walter was taking advantage of his experience with the suit? I guess Walter doesn't even know why.

"Please, you're a child with money . . . . Stay the hell out of my way."

St. Pierre is getting desperate, and desperate men are dangerous. And now comes the predictable moment where the no-really-a-hero guy goes out and tries to be a hero. Even though Walter has had "hero" experience, I don't recall him every being good at it. But, that is what these characters do after they have been rejected time after time. Run, Walter, Run! Gotta love public telephones.

"I promise not to comment on how hot you look."

Despite the fact that Henry has a big gun, Kate still manages to get the upper hand, and apparently the upper lip!! LOL. And Will gets knocked down again!! And here comes Magnus, looking a little bit worried, trying to talk Kate into some reason. When Kate grabbed Helen by the throat and shoved her up against whatever that was, I was surprised. And though I have to admit that it is alway great to see someone get the best of Magnus, I was a little worried. But not as worried as I was in "Haunted" when Druitt knocked her out, out of nowhere! I remember that vividly!

But, of course Helen was able to reach beyond the suit and reach the person. But, now, all of a sudden, Kate is "with" it and thinking clearly? I guess, though, she was bleeding, so the suit could have just been leaving her for a better "host"?

Another question : Why would Helen trust Walter “Implicitly”? Yes, she thought he was very brave for protecting Kate, but I don't think I would have used that word. But, he did do a good job. It seems that the mind of the person wearing the suit controls how much power the suit actually has. Kinda makes sense. Good for Walter, for standing up and getting his movie back!!

"I'm just happy to be home."

I had to laugh at myself, because as I was watching this episode I kept thinking randomly throughout, “Oh, that is going to make a great screencap!” LOL

*All screencaps came from SanctuaryDaily.

*reviews, show: sanctuary, reviews: sanctuary

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