Paradigm Shift (Glee, 1/1)

Sep 21, 2010 22:15

Summary: When Puck sees Rachel for the first time since high school in almost eight years, it's not how he ever imagined. Puck/Rachel.
Rating: T
Warnings: Seen the first season? You're good.
A/N: You guys, I have absolutely NO IDEA what this is. IDEK. I want to call it crack, because it would never happen in a million years, but it's a ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

evello_noctem September 22 2010, 03:39:43 UTC
I loved this. I loved how you know, and Puck knows, that something big happened to change Rachel so much, and how he notices that she doesn't even hum. And the checking, but not checking too much, and the relationship and moving in without officially doing it... And the reaction of their Captain! And then singing Don't Stop Believing, and Puck being there for her afterwards, and not letting her sidestep the fact that Broadway was her everything for a long time, and if she still wanted that it was okay...

Really, I loved it all, haha. =)


countrygirl_914 September 22 2010, 04:29:27 UTC
Yay! I'm so so so glad, because I wasn't sure about this thing at all. Thank you for telling me you liked it!


comeundone September 22 2010, 04:05:09 UTC
Well. This was fantastic. I absolutely loved everything about this and the PLOT. How did you ever come up with this? What the murderer said when he killed Bekah... oh my god. So powerful and wonderful and I'm probably going to go read this again right now. I loved this so much.


countrygirl_914 September 22 2010, 04:35:26 UTC
<3333333333 Yay!

The plot pretty much came about like this: "Wow, there are a lot of stories with Puck as a cop. It fits, though. Puck as a cop...hmmm, you know, it would be funny if Rachel was a--OMG RACHEL AS A COP. AND SHE'S PARTNERS WITH PUCK." And then it spiraled out from that. :D

I tried to make the stalker/murderer a punch in the gut. I mean, it had to be, didn't it? It would take a LOT to get Rachel off Broadway.

I'm so so so glad you like it! I hope everyone else loves it as much as you.


(The comment has been removed)

countrygirl_914 September 22 2010, 22:05:40 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for commenting. :D


mancrave September 22 2010, 12:34:21 UTC
This is amazing. Its not a situation I ever imagined for Rachel but you write it and her so well, everything from her reactions and all her reasons why she joined the force in the first place. I actually got a little misty eyed when Puck was trying to figure out what happened to her and he found out that Bekah was murdered. Not to mention, you write him so, so well. He knows this woman, he knows there is something bigger at play here and that he actually has the patience now (somewhat lol) to let her tell him in her own time. And the development of their relationship as well, so well done. And he finally got her to sing again! I just loved everything about this. Excellent story! *g*


countrygirl_914 September 22 2010, 22:08:21 UTC
Thank you so much for the kind words! For me too, it was a situation I never imagined until the idea came to me, and then it wouldn't let me go. I'm glad you think I kept them in character. And thank you for commenting! I haven't gotten many comments on this, and that makes me sad. Maybe I posted it on the comm at a bad time? :-/


nova802 September 22 2010, 22:30:38 UTC
This was so amazing. I loved so much about this, but the slow revelation of Rachel's story was a particular highlight for me. And these lines in particular made me catch my breath:

I could have lost you today,” he says, voice rough.

She lays a hand on his knee. “But you didn’t.” She doesn’t say that she’s not his to lose.

(Maybe that’s because they both know it would be a lie.)

Thank you so much for such a wonderful read.


countrygirl_914 September 24 2010, 02:29:03 UTC
Well, thank you for reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D


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