Fic: Two Hearts Beating

Oct 29, 2011 22:06

Title:Two Hearts Beating
Author: country_who
Rating: PG 
Characters/Pairings: Ten2/Rose
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: She heard two hearts...
Warnings: none
Author's Note 1: this was prompted by: larxene_12

‘…I look like him, think like him, same thoughts, same memories, same everything…except, I’ve only got one heart…’

‘…Which means?’

‘…I’ve only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you…if you want…’

That’s what she thought-prayed-would happen, but some how with the Doctor (in any form) things don’t turn out the way you hope for.

When she first got here, Rose had known that there were diseases here that weren’t at home, and she had known that they weren’t resistant to them. But, she never thought that they would hit him. The Doctor had never gotten sick, his superior Time Lord biology wouldn’t allow for it, but her Doctor did.

He didn’t tell her when he first started feeling ill-he said he didn’t want to worry her-but now he was doing more than that; he was terrifying her. His breaths were shallow and his face was milky pale.

She slid her hand into his and let her thumb softly stroke her husband’s cold knuckles. She squeezed it more tightly and reassuringly as she let the beep of his heart monitor lull her into a half-sleep.

Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump…

The noise of his heart was the only reassurance she got, as she sank deeper into her stupor and matched the rhyme of her strokes and her breaths to the beating of his hearts.

Thump-thump-thump-thump, thump-thump-thump-thump, thump-thump-thump…

Rose’s head shot up as she realized that the heart monitor was showing a double rhymed pattern of beats.

Startled, she lay her head across the Doctor’s chest and listened to the single beat of his single heat.

“Just one heart is beatin’,” Rose breathed, and lain both her hands on top of his chest.

The single heart was confirmed as she looked back at the heart monitor and a normal pattern for a human repeated itself over and over

She was so memorized by the pattern that she didn’t even notice her Doctor stirring beneath her touch.

“Rose?” his hoarse voice called her, as he opened his eyes and stared owlishly at her.

“I thought…thought that you had two hearts for a minute,” Rose confessed. “I…I, but you’re still…”

The Doctor smiled.

“That’s because I do,” the Doctor told her.

Rose shook her head in confusion, but the Doctor stared at her with wise and knowing eyes, as he took her hand and held it tightly in his

The heart monitor began once again to beep out its double rhythm, and the Doctor’s weak grin widened and a slight color returned to his cheeks as he peered deeply into Rose’s eyes.

“My second heart beats in you.”

meme, doctor who

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