Title: Mate Word Count: 100 Rating: G Challenge: #121: Smell Characters: Remus/Severus A/N: This is in the time line of when Sev and Rem were in school.
Title: The Sweet Smell of… Word Count: 100 Rating: PG-13 Challenge: #121: Smell Characters: Remus/Severus Warnings: Bondage, D/s A/N: This is a continuation of my previuse story. A Different Touch
Title: Flight 106 to New York Word Count: 100 Rating: PG-13, maybe R. Challenge: #119: Fight or Flight Characters: Remus/Severus A/N: Still leading up to sex, le sigh
Title: Tell Me Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Challenge: #118 Fight or Flight Characters: Remus/Severus A/N: DH Spoilers, kinda. As always I can not write something with out it leading to the sex.
Title: When Did You… Word Count: 100 and some Rating: PGish Challenge: #118: Thestrals Characters: Remus/Severus A/N: As always I can not write something with out it leading to the sex.