New tiny ficlet: Sh$% Dean says [Sam + Dean, S9, 150 words, PG]

Nov 09, 2013 14:10

Title: Sh$% Dean says
Author: counteragent
[Sam + Dean, S9, 150 words, PG]

After Tuesday’s King of Hell interrogation: “Man, with Crowley downstairs this place is kind of funkytown.”

Halfway through bi-weekly room cleaning: “Remember when we stayed at Sunrise apartments? Dad hated that place. Bugs everywhere.”

Flipping burgers: “You ever wonder what happened to Jimmy? I always wanted to give that dude one more hamburger, you know?”

On a case about a stolen cursed gemstone: “Why is possession 9/10 of the law anyway? What does that even mean?”

Watching porn in the library, despite Sam’s protest: “You ever tie a girl up, Sammy? Nah, you wouldn’t have the balls.”

Hogging the remote: “Let’s watch this cage fight. It’s for charity.” [Sam: what] “Hey, we can afford to let loose if for a good cause.”


Dean’s non-sequiturs are getting weirder, Sam thought.

They don't mean anything, the voice said.

They don't mean anything, Sam thought.

spn, fic

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