
Oct 25, 2011 16:53

Okita Souji, captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi of Kyoto, and assistant to Vice-Commander Hijikata Toshizou. I was born in Edo, though.

[...]And I'm twenty-two. Funny how I never figured that out ( Read more... )

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Comments 49

longnosedliar October 26 2011, 01:24:27 UTC
Whoa, Captain? You're a real important guy then, aren't you, Souji? And twenty-two... you look really young for your age.

Don't leave without saying good bye, okay?


coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 01:54:14 UTC
Well, I'm not the only captain! There are a bunch of us, and they're all important too. I guess I do look pretty young, though.

I won't!


longnosedliar October 26 2011, 04:06:12 UTC
Even if there's a bunch of you, Captain's a pretty important title.

[...he wants to ask about treating his TB, but maybe not on the journals. In person. Instead,] It's probably a big job. Make sure to stay healthy.


coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 04:15:56 UTC
I guess. But there's Hijikata-san and Kondou-san above us.

And I will!


notpissedoff October 26 2011, 02:50:45 UTC
[This response comes a few hours later, once he wakes up from his memory-sleep.]

Okita-san. If you haven't left yet, I'd like to speak with you.


coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 02:54:23 UTC
I haven't left yet! I'm at the candy store right now.


journal to quicklog notpissedoff October 26 2011, 03:38:16 UTC
I'll be there shortly.

[Yamazaki had only just woken, sprawled out in the middle of the floor of his room with the dog licking his face, from a sleep he hadn't intended to have. And he'd woken as himself. Fully himself, with all of his memories prior to Edensphere restored. A look at his journal made it clear that the same thing was happening to others--Okita included. And Okita, like many others, was going home... but before that happened, they needed to talk.

Because, unless there were severe gaps in Yamazaki's recollections (and he was sure there weren't)... he might be going home to a younger Okita who hadn't yet come to Edensphere. This could be his last chance, for some time, to speak with Okita as he knew the man here.

He paused only to feed the dog and straighten his sleep-rumpled clothing, then made his way to the candy store.]


QL coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 03:44:41 UTC
[Souji was sitting behind the register, as usual, with his journal out and open - and a pile of neatly organized candy in front of him, along with a somewhat smaller, less organized pile of wrappers. When the bell on the door rang, he glanced up, and gave Yamazaki a cheerful wave.]


feathered_earth October 26 2011, 03:00:40 UTC
I thought you were sixteen!

We'll see each other on our visits back, then. Good.


coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 03:01:48 UTC
I thought I was younger, too!

I'm glad~


feathered_earth October 27 2011, 04:03:04 UTC
You've aged well, that's for sure. I'll bring some rock candy from Bal for you.


coughcoughshank October 27 2011, 04:29:32 UTC
I'd like that a lot ♥


weaver_girl October 26 2011, 12:31:54 UTC
I wonder what it'd be like to visit. I mean, I've been to Kyoto, only much later.

Stay safe, Souji-san.


coughcoughshank October 26 2011, 22:38:08 UTC
Come to visit sometime, if you can. Once things are better in your world.

You too, Inoue-san.


weaver_girl October 27 2011, 00:48:29 UTC
That would be an adventure. Though I've heard it's dangerous to visit your own past, but... I'm not positive how this works. It's like there are lots of very similar worlds that are still separate from each other.


coughcoughshank October 27 2011, 01:16:21 UTC
Well, it wouldn't really be your past, would it? It's a lot farther back than that.


darcyredux October 27 2011, 00:38:22 UTC
Hey, I'd like to see your version of Kyoto one day, if you don't mind.


coughcoughshank October 27 2011, 01:15:55 UTC
I'm sure that'd be fine~


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