
Nov 09, 2008 01:10 v.0.5.3 is still (already more than three days) waiting approve from AppStore.

While it not published, i'll tell what's new in this version:
  • Broken (pink) image bug for non-camera images (from itunes or web) fixed;
  • Application more stable with the operations of receiving and sending messages (it means no more crashes while sending ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

chiefgordoncole November 9 2008, 15:44:28 UTC
To be quite frank, your written English is much better then most who speak it as a primary language.

One way I found around the update problem was to just turn off my iphone then turn it back on again... Its not just your app I have had it happen with a few others.


mystwillow November 10 2008, 00:22:08 UTC
I finally got the new version and it looks great! A couple of minor suggestions: could we get a picklist for moods instead of having to type them in ourselves, or in addition? Livejournal has a list of built-in moods that already have icons associated, and I usually like to pick one of those so my emoticon shows up. Also, when you add the ability to see friends' posts, can you make the main menu bar customizable so that I could replace Messages with Friends? I check my friends list all the time but never send or receive messages. Thanks for the great app!


igrick November 10 2008, 07:40:15 UTC
I can place up to 5 icons in menu bar.
It will looks like that:
When i add commenting functionality - menu bar will be customizable.


(The comment has been removed)

igrick January 6 2009, 23:41:29 UTC
I agree with you too, and i am working on 0.6 release at this moment. Please, wait a bit more :)


tracied December 30 2008, 22:09:58 UTC
I'm a new user to the app, and I was wondering why there are editing features like strikethrough, bold, lj cut etc, if there is no way of highlighting the portion of the text you want to edit? Or is it a feature on my phone i don't know how to do yet? Is there a way of highlighting text? The text editing buttons on my app don't work anyway (only the photo one does).


igrick December 31 2008, 02:20:25 UTC
Unfortunately iPhone has no abilities for text selection or highlighting. In case of this i made this functions works as follow:
1. Place cursor to start of text you want to make bold (or strike, etc...);
2. Tap the bold button;
3. Place cursor to end of text you want to make bold;
4. Tap the bold button again.
After those actions you'll see at start, and at end of the bold text (text will not appear as bold in editor but will be bold after posting).
What you mean on buttons does not work? They looks gray like disabled buttons?


tracied December 31 2008, 02:29:57 UTC
yes they look greyed out like they are disabled. I tried that and nothing happened. I got no or anything within text.


igrick December 31 2008, 04:56:51 UTC
It's looks like the bug. Can you focus cursor into Subject filed and than put it back to the post composer. The formatting menu must be refreshed after that time and you may see that buttons are not more gray.
Is it works?


dknika January 14 2009, 23:16:21 UTC
Как мне попасть на community с моего Touch iPod? Пока я только вижу опции Post, Messgages and Settings, но не мог уразобраться как писать именно в определённую community.


igrick January 14 2009, 23:27:51 UTC
Для того что бы написать в комьюнити необходимо в закладке написания поста нажать кнопку «Settings», находящуюся в левом верхнем углу. Далее нажать на первую строку, которая называется «Journal», затем снять галочку с имени своего журнала (если не хотите что бы пост продублировался и у вас в журнале), выбрать комьюнити в которое хотите написать, и вернуться в написание поста, путем нажатие сначала левой кнопки «Post Settings», затем правой «Done».


dknika January 14 2009, 23:38:50 UTC
Получилось, спасибо огромное! А комментарии можно только с самой website оставлять?


dknika January 14 2009, 23:49:06 UTC
oh, never mind, it looks like it's been worked on - the commenting part. Thank you for all your help!!!


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