fic: how the mighty fall (in love) - endnotes

Aug 06, 2013 13:22

masterpost | deleted scenes | endnotes

  • The idea for this story came about when I learned that prostitutes in South London used to be called either "single women" or "Winchester geese"-a reference to the Bishop of Winchester, who licensed these women to work in an area in Southwark called the Liberty of the Clink.
  • Getting syphilis was, accordingly, referred to as getting "bit by a Winchester goose".
  • Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic (including necromancy), sorcery/witchcraft, and crossroads, often shown holding two torches or a key. She is commonly accompanied by dogs and was worshipped as a protector of households and childbirth. She holds sway in the Underworld as well as over the seas, the earth, and the heavens. Her triple-image and three faces mean she can tell the past, the present, and the future.
  • Long bulletpoint short: having Hecate write herself into this story was an opportunity for me to use my stupidly vast knowledge of Greek mythology.
  • The real-life Aleister Crowley actually had a role in popularizing Hecate’s role as ‘the maiden, the mother, and the crone’. He also named his kid after Hecate. Said kid’s full name was ridiculously long to the point where they all just called her by the last of her myriad first names-Lilith.
  • The Four Corners Monument is (to be precise) 1,807 feet east of where modern surveyors believe the actual Quadripoint is. However, a spokesperson for the U.S. National Geodetic Survey defended the monument. He said, and I misquote, that the location was "phenomenal" and "spot-fucking-on" for the instruments that surveyors used back in the day.
  • This story is actually only 24,463 words without the deleted scenes. It'd probably be even less if I took out all the times the boys say 'bitch', haha, but that's my own little poke at the show.
  • I wrote those deleted scenes to fulfill my own selfish needs to have certain things happen. Such as Dean wearing Sam’s clothes and stalking Sam to a coffee shop and mouthing Sam’s order along with him. The Hecate scene was to explain not using a Y-intersection to any other mythology junkies out there.
  • A very long time ago, a lovely lady named Aline read my first draft (consisting of Karma's character, a two-page outline, and a quarter of a sex scene). She cheered me on, held my hand, and told me it didn't suck. This story is dedicated to her, because without her, it wouldn't exist.

bigbang 2013

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