fic: how the mighty fall (in love) - epilogue

Aug 06, 2013 13:16

prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | epilogue

"That 'monument' of yours was fucking underwhelming, Sammy."

"Hey, at least we got a picture of ourselves."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm starving."

"Dean, there's not gonna be any diners open this ear-"

"Hey, look, Sammy! Their sign says pie and coffee!"

+ + +

It's getting late.

Not that three in the morning isn't already late, but still. It's getting late. And Sam is freezing his ass off.

He rubs his arms, wishing Dean would hurry up and pay the bill so they can-



Sam winces, shifts his feet, and hopes to god that Dean isn't the cause of the trouble.

Unfortunately, the sound of his brother's heated retort reminds Sam that he of all people should know best that God wouldn't be doing him any favors.

Heaving a sigh, Sam pushes open the door to the diner. The blast of warm air is welcome, but the fork hurtling through the air and flying uncomfortably near his groin? Not so much.

"Sammy!" Dean turns, dodging another airborne utensil. "Just in time; you gotta back me u-hey, Sam, that's not-that ain't fair, man, let go of my arm, I got rights-mmMMF!"

Sam claps his hand over Dean's mouth. "Ma'am, I'm sorry about any trouble my brother might've caused. All the doctors say it's incurable," he explains, studiously ignoring Dean's biting.

The waitress snaps her gum and adjusts her skirt, looking thoroughly unimpressed but less likely to start castrating people with butter knives. "Fine," she snaps. "But do me a favor and get out, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, we will," Sam nods furiously, death-grip on Dean's arm as he edges towards the door. "Uh, it won't happen again. Have a good night!"

Sam whirls and all but bolts out of there. Dean still manages to flip the waitress the bird.

+ + +

"Jesus, Dean. I mean, I know you're not exactly Mr. Personality, but what did you do to that poor waitress?"

Dean snorts and starts taking his boots off. "Poor? Sammy, you've got to be shitting me. There was nothing poor about how she was flingin' those knives."

Sam lays his bag on the table, shaking his head. "Dean, waitresses don't just start throwing things across diners for no reason. You must've done some-"

"Look," Dean interrupts, "Maybe I forgot to tip her and maybe she served your stupid girly coffee cold and maybe I said 'bitch' a bit too loudly and she didn't take too kindly to that. Sometimes people get tired and grumpy at ass o'clock in the morning."

Sam is silent for a moment. "You were buying me coffee?"

"Way to see the point, man, it's obvious who the college education belongs to in the fami-stop grinnin' at me like that, I had to protect your honor, didn't I, Samantha?"

Sam laughs. Dean glares at him and shoves him into the motel bathroom. "Ladies get first shower. Hurry up."

Sam closes the door, still laughing.

deleted scenes | endnotes

bigbang 2013

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