Finding Santa (1/discontinued) [Tales of the Abyss]

Dec 25, 2009 23:43


Title: Finding Santa
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Pairing(s): none? maybe Saphir -> Jade
Character(s): Peony, Saphir, Jade, Nephry
Rating: PG
Warning: Spoilers for Jade's background.
Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of the Abyss or any of their characters. Tales of the Abyss belongs to Namco. This is a non-profit fanfiction written by a fan, for the enjoyment of other fans.
Summary: The Keterburg boys go Santa-seeking. (Well, at this point, it's more like discuss going Santa seeking
Word count: ~1000
A/N: Another failed attempt at Abyss fic-cing. :D SOMEONE WRITE ME A PJ HC PLZ.


According to legend, every year since the beginning of time, on the x day of the month x, a being known as Santa, seen in red and white, delivered presents to good children - only the good, never the naughty - all over Auldrant.

“Jade! Saphir! I discovered something exciting!” was Peony’s greeting as he bounded excitedly towards them.

Two faces looked up - one coolly expressionless, the other with eyes narrowed in hostile scepticism, neither much excited.

“Listen to this,” Peony continued enthusiastically nevertheless, “The longbeard who lives in the igloo in the north-west corner of the square says that Santa lives in Mt. Roneal!”

Peony ended with a dramatic flourish, and sucked in his breath, appearing to be braced for celebration.

All his announcement met with was silence.

Saphir glanced at Jade, before looking down his nose at Peony, “And you believe him? Ha ha. That’s why you’re an idiot. Everyone knows that that weird man makes up stories for silly little kids. Besides, Santa is a lie, isn’t that right, Jade?”

“Is not!” Peony said adamantly.

“Is too!” Saphir insisted.

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“Santa’s real.”

“There you go. Jade says that-- Huh?” Saphir turned to gape at Jade.

Jade wasn’t laughing, w-wait, it wasn’t a joke?

“B-b-but, didn’t you tell me last week that--?”

“I asked Professor Nebilim, and she said Santa was real," Jade said calmly.

Saphir’s mouth open and closed like a goldfish.

Peony beamed as he slung an arm over Jade’s shoulder - a triumphant ‘Jade’s on my side’ action, “See? Even Professor Nebilim says so.”

Saphir glared at Peony, annoyed first that he made him appear in the ‘wrong’ in front of Jade and then that Jade had allowed his arm to remain where it rested on his shoulder.

If it was Saphir…


In the middle of some discussion, a smiling Saphir, after some dozen lines of debate that scrolled rapidly across his inner thoughts, placed his arm over Jade’s shoulder, trying to behave as naturally as he could with his heartbeat echoing in his ears and his heart itself trying to break free from his chest. He felt Jade stiffen, then nothing, and everything seemed well for that second - until he (gathered sufficient courage and) looked to Jade and realised that Jade's lips were moving. Then Jade was moving away from him, and…

“Energy Blast!”

The flashback fades into darkness.

Saphir shook the thoughts away from his head. “That doesn’t mean that Santa lives in Mt. Roneal,” he told Peony stubbornly.

Peony lost his beam, his voice suddenly serious. “That’s another reason I’m here,” he turned to Jade, his arm falling away to his side, “Jade,” (Jade tilted his head to Peony at his name.) “You’ve been to Mt. Roneal right? I wanted to ask if you might have seen Santa.”

“No, I haven’t,” Jade answered.

“Oh,” Peony looked disappointed.

“Now please go away, Jade and I have something important to do,” Saphir quickly injected.

Peony looked quizzical. “Something important?”

“That’s right And it’s none of your business.”

“You didn’t discover that Professor Nebilim is giving us a surprise test or something tomorrow, did you?”

“No. I’m showing Jade something I made. Now will you go away?”

“One of those miniature fon-machine-toy-things that talk and listen to your command? Those are cool! Can I come too?”

“Wh--? (You really think so?) No! Th-this is for Jade’s eyes only!”

“Oh.” Peony looked a little disappointed. “Well,” he shrugged, putting on a smile again, “maybe another time.”

Maybe never. Saphir thought viciously as he eyed Peony, then he turned to Jade, “Let’s go, Jad- Eh? Jade?” who had apparently started without him, “Jade! Wait for meeee!”

Date written: 25 December 2009

May or may not be continued... >>
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