I made some things

Jun 02, 2011 17:43

The awesome alfredaskew asked for some zombies for her cool zombie apocalypse hood. And there are few things that rouse my interest more than zombies and zombie apocalypses. Thusly, I rose to the challenge (and hopefully met it), and I have a zombie to share as a result.

In my game, his name is Gilbert Sullivan (I opened my trivia book for naming inspiration, and "Gilbert & Sullivan" were on the page). He lives in a dark lab up on a hill, isolated from the rest of my neighborhood. The way I see it, he was a scientist looking for a zombie cure/treatment, but his research took him a little too far into the thick of things, and the results were unpleasant, to say the least. Having been a scientist and the like, I have him as very neat, and serious, and not very nice or outgoing. I boolpropped all his skills to max, so if you do the same, he'll be a pretty formidable zombie, I guess.

backerbse made a freakin' cool zombie for Alfi as well, and I stole her "eyeless" idea. I imagine those are one of the first things to rot out. It's hard to tell, but he has pretty prominent cheekbones, a wide mouth with very thin lips, and a pretty gaunt face. There's not a lot of collagen on zombies, you know.

I used Alfi's own noseless template to make his nose so flat, and his ears are as small as I could make them, since those also rotted off, of course.

He is packaged in basegame content, but I unthinkingly packaged him in zombie default skin, so install with Clean Installer, especially if you don't have the Uni EP. Clean Installer should be a given though, anyway.
In these pictures, he is wearing Ghanima's super cool Fallout Ghoul skin.

Download Gilbert Sullivan, zombie scientist.

Also, unrelated to zombies but not quite unrelated to alfredaskew, I successfully made some custom content, for the first time ever. Basically, Pooklet's Glockenspiel eye set has been a favorite of mine almost since I started downloading CC, but the sclera was a little too shaded for my tastes. Alfi draws beautiful things, in case you didn't know, and released some sweet eyes of her own. I dig her sclera, because it's realistic without gappy bits. So, I took it upon myself to mash up my two favorite sim eye related things, and after a full day of reading tutorials and wrestling photoshop into submission, I have results.

They are probably not perfect, and the swatches suck because this is the first time I ever did anything like this, but I did do the whole set/also geneticized and townified them. Basically, I made them for personal use, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me sharing them? I could even throw up some defaults if anyone was interested, but I won't flatter myself quite that much.

Anywho, thanks for reading this super long rambling all over the place post!

sims, does anyone want this, uploads, pixel_trade

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