I have a mental quirk about remembering where people live: I have two separate indexes, one keyed by person, the other keyed by location. The first one updates when I find out someone has moved, but not the second - that one usually only updates when I see the person in that location (sometimes, if I meet someone for the first time who lives somewhere else, I enter them in the second mental index correctly, but sometimes I don't). If I want to remember where you live, I can. But if I'm visiting somewhere and try to remember who's there, I often miss some people simply because I've never hung out with them there. It can go on like that for years, and through multiple visits.
Help me by filling out this poll! If you want me to remember where you are, that is :)
After a week or two, I'm going to "backdate" it to the future, so it'll be near the top of
cos and you can easily find it and updated it if you wish. [Edit: actually, nevermind - I'm just linking here from
my top-of-journal post]
Options are checkboxes so you can select multiple locations. If your family's there, your primary's there, you go to school in one place and spend the summer in another, you grew up there and still have a lot of friends and visit every year or two, include them all.
Poll [Edit: If you checked "somewhere you didn't list at all", leave it in a comment?]