Title: The Haunting (Or Something Lame Like That)
Author: corsykitty
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harvey/Mike, Donna, Louis Litt, Aaron, Jessica Pearson, Grammy, Sam (SPN), Dean (SPN)
Rating: R
Word Count: 27,435
Warning(s): violence, language, some sexual situations
Summary: After witnessing a tragic accident outside the Pearson Hardman building, Mike falls victim to a series of unexplainable attacks. Harvey tries to help him when he realizes that something beyond Mike’s control is happening, but only succeeds in becoming enmeshed in the mystery alongside Mike. A pair of strange men begin dogging their steps through the city, leaving Harvey uneasy and wondering what Mike’s gotten them into now.
A/N: This is the most fun I’ve ever had while writing a story, and is the longest thing I’ve ever written. This fandom is a joy and a boon to me and I’m thankful to have the opportunity to be even a small part of it, especially with the wonderful people making a home in it! I never would have finished this or possibly even started it if it wasn’t for
zekkass, and
c8h7n3o2 over on Twitter and here on Livejournal, what with
zekkass having introduced me to word wars in all their glory and
ladyknightanka having guided me through the confusion of taking part in my first big bang. My artist,
loverstar, did an amazing job on the graphic she made for me, I couldn’t have asked for more. I’m more than a little convinced that
atennuh is the best beta ever, as she put up with all of my oddities and helped improve every aspect of my story with more than a little cheerleading. I sorely hope I have the chance to work with her again.
Part One :
Part Two :
Part Three :
Part Four :
Part Five :
Part SixGraphic made by the lovely