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corilannam June 24 2010, 17:45:10 UTC
I don't mind at all! Thanks for pointing it out. Four betas and at least three line edits later, and those typos just keep on coming. *g*

I'm so glad the tension worked for you! I mean, not that I'm glad you were tense; I should offer you a stiff drink or something. But still. *beams*


brunettepet June 23 2010, 19:06:11 UTC
The images you painted of the world disappearing in front of their eyes were vivid and disturbing and the disappearing landscape built unbelievable tension. Uther going down with his nation shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was still an emotional moment and it gave Arthur the authority to strong arm his party's way onto the ark.

In all the drama, this put a big smile on my face: "He didn’t look that heterosexual to me," Arthur muttered, mortification undercut by a peculiar buoyancy.

"Yeah, that royal gaydar is really sharp. When did you have it installed, the Victorian Era?"

He looked away, jaw clenching. "Merlin."

"Arthur." Merlin’s chin brushed Arthur’s shoulder and rested there for a moment. "It was never you that I left." The image of the helicopters transporting animals across the skies was also an incredibly emotional and joyous moment in all the tension.

This is a gripping and absolutely wonderful read.


corilannam June 24 2010, 18:21:45 UTC
Aww, thank you yet again! I'm glad the moment of relationship fun was enjoyable in the midst of all the stressful stuff.

I'm afraid I can't take credit for the helicopters with the animals -- that came straight from the movie. I just transposed it to our characters. It was just such a gorgeous image, it really stuck in my head.


kimmu_opacre June 24 2010, 07:28:36 UTC
Just needed to add -

"Of course, Your Majesty. We will board your party at once."

"Damn right you will," Merlin chimed in from Arthur's right. He had not realized Merlin had come to stand so close at Arthur's side. "And get them some hot towels. And some of those little bags of peanuts."



corilannam June 24 2010, 18:23:06 UTC
Heeeeee! Yes, we can always count on Merlin for the comic relief, no matter how bad the situation gets! I really loved that moment, so I'm extra happy you liked it, too! :-D


whirligigged July 16 2010, 06:27:15 UTC
Uther's speech was shocking, and just right, and I'm afraid had me something of a wreck by the end. The various leaders who chose to "go down with their ship," as well as the many who simply had that choice taken from them due to how quickly the destruction spread, added a lot of emotion and realism for me. Of course things would go wrong, and of course there would be others, just like Morgana, with whom leaving the rest of the world in the dark and then leaving it behind would just not, at least in the end, be something they could do ( ... )


corilannam July 24 2010, 16:53:48 UTC
Oh, yay! I was a wreck during Uther's speech myself, so I'm glad you were, too! *g*

I regret that I cannot take credit for the animals, as that is something I stole directly from the movie. However, I'm very pleased that you were as taken with the image as I was. I thought it was good to acknowledge, both in movie and in story, that saving the world is about more than just preserving and rebuilding human civilization. I have no doubt that Uther sent his favorite hunting dogs to the ark, knowing Arthur would find them and take care of them!

And I definitely agree that the lack of animals and most flora is a big part of what makes BSG so stark and bleak. I always kind of wished they would bring on the daggit from the original series to show mankind still searching for animal companionship, even in the desperate form of a robotic dog.


thepowerofme July 20 2010, 18:09:44 UTC
*is stunned* This is better than the actual movie! Ten...no a hundred times better! There was so many squee worthy moments as Arthur took charge and spoke for the UK as a king should! It was brilliant! And of course it was just as tense when it came down to the last 4 minutes as it was in the film. Absoluetely brilliant!

As for Uther staying behind, it was a surprise but completely in character. Poor Arthur, loosing his sister and father so close to each other. At least he has Merlin! >.<


corilannam July 24 2010, 17:05:03 UTC
Whee! It makes me squee that you found so many of the moments in this part to be squeeworthy.I felt very proud of our young King Arthur myself.I am also very glad he and Merlin have each other after losing so much! *squishes them*


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