Title:Super Junior Plusx2 (SJP2 SS 2)
Character:Leetuek,Kangin,Ryeowook,Kyuhyun,Yesung and others
Summary:Kangtuek decide to picnic alone and leetuek told Ryeowook to cook for them and invite him along without telling others but then something happen.How others member know they were going picnic?
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Comments 11
ill bbl ^.^
everything was wookies fault cuz he was the one who
allowed kyu to go with em even when he knew kyu is
the naughtiest one lol like, wookie loves kyu very much
he just wanted to have time for him and kyu while going there XD thats just nice, but gosh~!! that yesung haha all jealous XD
sorry yesung wookie is kuys and only his... bwahahahha >:D
but but it seems to me that wookie does not know about his feelings..?? like he doesn't know if he loveskyu or yesung O:)
and and LMAO@ this pt.
“Who start it first ( ... )
Ryeowook still don't know who the one he love because he only think that Kyu and Yesung just only his best friend.He never think to choice one of them because he just only want to make they become a good friend again and not arguing but don't worry,Ryeowook always be Kyuhyun one, someday.hehehe
I also like that part too,when they point each other and hide themselves.
Thanks for liking it...^_^
Love unnie...
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Really,me too..
That part,yeah...I made it to look that they like to blame each other...hahaha
Thank for reading..
Love you unnie...
Thanks for this, it was awesome.
Really funny, esp that part where everyone kept telling each other about the picnic.
And sweeet Kangteuk:)
I'm happy you like it..^_^
I love that part too...
Thanks for reading unnie..Love unnie ^_^
LOL...at the part that everyone spreading about the picnic and the part that they begin to point each others...they are sooo cute...i really cant stop laughing here...lol lol...
And...i always love how kyusung stealing Wookie from one another...but RyeoWook cant decide who he will going to choose between these two...they are really really perfect love triangle, right?....<333
but KyuWook always be the most perfect couple..^^
thanks for sharing this funny fic...love u so much core bb...^^
I also like the spreading and pointed part,they don't want to get trouble with kangin..
Thanks...Yeah,they were really perfect love triangle...Someday,Ryeowook will choice his real love.Don't worry,
Kyuwook will always be the perfect one...hehehe
Thanks for reading,love you much more too unnie ^_^
make more about it...
i'm waiting here...
c u next month..
always kyuwook couple..
love so much...~
Okay,I will..ermm,what story are you wait?
Next mont so looong...
You can use internet there?you say it broken and can't use it?How do you comment my story then?
I always love Kyuwook couple..^_^
Love so much too.....
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