Fic: Life After Sunnydale (Dawn/Faith, 2/2, Mature)

Dec 25, 2008 16:52

I hope everyone is having a good day. And the second - and final - part of the Dawn/Faith fic for reremouse is here!

Title: Life After Sunnydale
Author: cordelianne
Chapter: 2/2
Characters/Pairing: Dawn/Faith
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,239
Disclaimer: Sadly not mine, Joss own them.
Warnings: AC/DC, lack of appointments and the MPAA.
Summary: It's a post-Sunnydale and post-college life for Dawn. Now what?
A/N: Thanks to the completely wonderful savoytruffle for her invaluable beta. Any mistakes are mine (and you're always welcome to point out any to me!).

Previous part here.

When Dawn thinks about how she wants things to play out with Faith, they’re a lot different than what actually happens: nothing.

When she’s lying in bed unable to sleep she can envision it all perfectly.

First of all, Faith doesn’t let her walk away after the almost-sorta-tease kiss.

She follows Dawn, grabs her by the shoulders and presses her against the nearby wall. Gets really close without saying a word and kisses Dawn.

The kiss is that breathless kind where she’s gasping and clutching at Faith’s shoulders while Faith bites down her neck and slides a leg between Dawn’s.

They don’t care where they are or who’s watching.

It’s … transcendent.

Dawn laughs herself out of the fantasy. Pretentious much?

Also, how lame is it that she continues to crush on the unavailable girls? She should have left that behind with Sunnydale.

She asks Xander about this the next day.

He pauses, hammer in hand. “Ah, you came to the Xand-man for his vast experience in this department.”

“Um, yeah.”

He puts down the hammer and sits on the paint splattered chair that’s always near him when he’s working. “I knew that school couldn’t teach you everything.”

“Um, right.” She sits down on top of the toolbox. It’s not the most comfortable but she can’t be bothered to move.

“And apparently you’ve also forgotten all that fancy vocabulary you learned there too.”

“It’s just…” Dawn discards ‘lame’ and ‘pathetic’ and goes with, “frustrating.”

“Oh right, ‘cause the course of sex and romance always runs so smooth. Wanna see the scars that prove it?”

From her obsessive Xander crush years, Dawn can name every visible and not so visible scar he has. “Is it weird talking about…” she hesitates to say the name but goes for it anyway, “Faith with you?”

“Eh, that’s…” he gestures vaguely behind him. “I’m used to her being around now, we get on alright. Besides, she’s different these days.”

Dawn leans forward. “Different good?”

“Trust me when I say ‘yes’ that it’s emphatic.”

Dawn waits, hoping he’ll elaborate but not actually asking.

Fortunately Xander gets what she wants. “Listen Dawnie, neither Buffy or I would have a problem with you and Faith, you know…” He gestures at Dawn. “Her head’s on straight now. And thank god, cause you don’t want to get mixed up with a woman with weird head movement.”

She laughs. Some things are so long ago they’re funny now. Okay, if she hadn’t been in love with Xander the praying mantis thing would have been funny at the time, too. You know, after Xander’d been saved.

It’s odd to have a good Sunnydale memory. She must have repressed them all.

“It was rough for her after Robin left, you know,” Xander continues oblivious to Dawn’s ruminations. “I think that, well, she was hurt.”

Dawn tries to remember what had happened with Robin. Something about him offering to go and find slayers abroad. He’s never come back, that she knows.

Robin, crap! “Oh no, is she only into guys?”

Xander laughs. “Faith’s an old school AC/DC fan.”


“You know the… oh never mind, I forget that you’re a youngin’” Dawn glares at him. “You’re safe, she swings both ways.”

That Dawn can work with.

Courage finds Dawn at the strangest time.

Had it bothered to schedule an appointment, it would not have found her wearing a big t-shirt of Xander’s over cut-off sweats. Her hair wouldn’t have been pulled back by a bandana.

And she definitely wouldn’t have been paint splattered.

But then maybe it’s the paint that coaxed the courage out of hiding.

It arrives as she’s admiring her freshly painted room - the one she painted all by herself. It’s odd, she feels a stronger sense of accomplishment than she ever did with her college essays.

It arrives when she spots Faith outside. Alone. Shaping snowballs and throwing them against a tree. There’s something about watching Faith like that that gives Dawn a funny feeling, like she’s just gotten off a roller coaster.

Courage loves roller coasters.

Courage tosses Dawn her coat and gloves, and marches outside with her, moving quickly and not giving her a chance to change her mind.

They stoop down beside Faith and Dawn scoops up some snow. Takes her time shaping the snowball just right, before throwing it at the same tree - it misses and sails by.

“I’m into you, you know.” Courage has taken over Dawn’s vocal cords. And gets her to look Faith directly in the eyes.

“That right?” It’s hard to read Faith but Dawn thinks she catches the briefest, smallest smile.

“And I think it’s time we do something about it.” She’s tempted to add, ‘if you want to,’ but stops herself. This is courage’s show.

Faith looks her up and down. And, oh boy, this time it’s a look of pure sex. And hunger.

But Faith doesn’t move.

Dawn steps closer, so close she can feel Faith’s breath. “You’re not making this easy for me, are you?”

Her answer is a wicked smile.

“Okay,” Dawn says, with a long suffering sigh. She slides her hands toward the small of Faith’s back and tugs so they’re pressed against each other. “Just don’t expect me to do all the work.”

“Oh, I’m all about participation.”

Dawn smiles. She doesn’t stop smiling as she tilts her head and kisses Faith.

Dawn had her fair share of naughty kissing in her college years. This kiss makes all the rest seem like something out of a Disney movie.

In a family film, Faith would definitely not be pushing Dawn back until she’s pressed against the tree, snow soaking into her hair.

Not that Dawn’s about to lodge a complaint with the MPAA or anything.

At least not until Faith pulls back and tilts her head. “You smell weird.”

Still basking in the post-kiss glow, Dawn shrugs. “Paint. Just did my room.”

Faith picks up a strand of Dawn’s hair and smoothes it out. “Guess you’ll need somewhere else to sleep tonight, then.”

Dawn’s heart beats fast but she manages to say, “Guess I will.”

Faith slides her snow-covered hand around to the back of Dawn’s head, making her shiver. She pulls Dawn close and kisses her and it’s totally NC-17.

Then it’s totally over.

“See you in a bit,” Faith says. “After you shower.”

Dawn leans against the tree and watches Faith saunter back to the house.

The woman knows how to saunter.

Dawn shivers, then the smile returns.

A huge grin.

Dawn showers better than she’s ever showered before.

She jitters over clothes and make-up - should she wear make-up? - before saying ‘screw it,” throwing on the first things she can get her hands on and walking up to Faith’s room.

She’s relieved she doesn’t pass Buffy in the halls. She is so not up for any sisterly bonding right now.

She’s up for something else entirely.

Standing in front of Faith’s door, her good friend courage deserts her. The flight impulse appears, coming on strong, but she just stands there staring at the door, not really seeing it.

When she finally knocks, it’s all thanks to Sunnydale: the place where she learned to ignore the flight and go with fight. She’s carried that with her.

When Faith opens the door, all those years of fear and demons suddenly seem worth it.

Dawn doesn’t hesitate to make the first move.

With Faith she doesn’t hesitate.


Although this is the end, I plan to write more in this verse. So look for more installments of Life After Sunnydale!

life after sunnydale, dawn/faith fic, fanfic, btvs

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