[Primeval] Drabble: Not A Fetish, Becker/Jess, G

Oct 27, 2013 21:31

Fandom: Primeval
Title: Not A Fetish
Author: cordeliadelayne
Pairing: Becker/Jess
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Notes: Written for the lovely deinonychus_1's birthday! Many happy returns, my dear :D (1st drabble of two - next one is coming up!)

Becker absolutely didn't have a thing for leather.

Yet when Jess turned up in a leather skirt, his higher brain function stopped completely and not even Matt's smirk could get it back on track.

The day she turned up in thigh high leather boots he had to dash to the gym and jump in the (cold) shower, fully clothed, for ten whole minutes.

And when the Halloween party came around and Jess did the whole leather catsuit thing, well, she was more than eager to be dragged back to those same showers, though then the water was anything but cold.

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