[Primeval/Spooks] Fic: O Brave New World, PG-13, Team, Gen (1 of 14)

Apr 20, 2010 21:51

Fandom: Primeval/Spooks
Title: O Brave New World (1 of 14)
Characters: From Primeval: Cutter, Stephen, Jenny, Abby, Connor, Helen, Lester, Lorraine, Becker, Danny, Sarah, From Spooks: Lucas, Ruth, Harry, Tariq
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 940 (Total: 20,210)
Warning: Character death. (See summary).
Setting: Roughly series 3 of Primeval (a continuation of my Man-Made series, though it's not necessary to read that first) and series 8 of Spooks. Familiarity with Primeval would be a bonus, no real knowledge of Spooks is necessary.
Summary: When Helen Cutter's mutilated body turns up in London, there's enough mystery surrounding her death that MI5 become involved. But with a very public anomaly open in Hyde Park and a government on the brink of collapse the ARC team have no choice but to split up, making new allies, and new enemies, along the way.
Notes: Dedicated to sunsets_dinos who made me see how easily these two shows melded together. It's my own brains fault it morphed into epicness. (Um, sorry about the Helen thing!)


The lights were flickering. That was the first sign. The second was the man covered in blood. The third was the dead woman.

The fourth was so quiet he didn't even know it was there, until a pair of claws were ripping his head from his body.

* * * * *

“Did he say where he was?” Cutter demanded, grip tight on the steering wheel in front of him.

“No,” Jenny replied, with an anxious shake of her head, “but Connor managed to track his mobile's signal through the ARC computers. I didn't get the impression that he was planning on going anywhere.”

Cutter nodded but thankfully paid more attention to the cars he was weaving through than the information Jenny had just relayed. She was sitting in the car next to him, holding on for dear life but just as determined to get to their destination as he was. It was strange how strongly the news that Stephen was in trouble affected them all. That it made them panic and feel the tight grip of fear far more than if it was anyone else on the team. After all he'd been through perhaps it wasn't so surprising, but Jenny had barely even known him before, before he'd been ripped to shreds by prehistoric creatures and then patched together again in a future world by Helen Cutter. Helen Cutter, a name that always conjured up trouble, just as it did now. But Jenny knew Stephen now, through his friends and his mistakes, through his determination to make things work; through slowly becoming a friend in her own right.

“Turn left here,” she said, forcing herself to focus. It wouldn't help Stephen if they got in to an accident on the way to help him. Or to cover up what had happened.

“Tell me again what he said.”

Jenny sighed. “Cutter...”

“Tell me.” He glanced sharply at her then away again, his eyes blazing with a fury she couldn't quite pinpoint, his jaw set in a painful looking angle.

“Just that Helen was dead. And there was a lot of blood.”

Cutter nodded. It was the scantest of information to go on and yet it was all they had. She wondered, vaguely, impossibly, if Cutter's obvious fury was meant for her, because Stephen had called her and not him.

“He knows if there's trouble I have to be his first phone call,” she told him. She hated the way she sounded like she was apologising for instigating the rule in the first place, as if in their line of work it didn't make perfect sense.

Cutter's shoulders relaxed slightly. “Aye,” he acknowledged with a small nod.

Jenny turned away and tried to gather herself and her bearings. They were arriving at their destination far faster than she had imagined they would. “It's right there.” She pointed at a building which Connor had identified as a Premier Inn marked for refurbishment. The last few guests were supposed to leave this week, and then the place was being transformed into a more upmarket hotel.

Cutter skidded the car next to the kerb and was about to jump out when Jenny's tight grip on his arm forced him to stop.

“Look,” she whispered, voice disappearing into quiet shock as she took in the scene before them.

Stephen was being led to a waiting police car in handcuffs, his t-shirt drenched in blood, his hair matted with it. His eyes looked sunken and his skin pale. He was walking with a limp, which meant his old injuries were playing up. Behind him, being carried on their way to a waiting ambulance, were two stretchers, each with a body on them. Stephen looked up, just once, eyes meeting Jenny's and then he shook his head. It was a small movement, barely noticeable unless you were staring straight at him, but its meaning was clear.

“If one of them is Helen, who the hell is the other one?” Cutter asked. He didn't try to leave or shake Jenny's hand away, so he must have seen Stephen's signal as well. Jenny was grateful she wouldn't have to try and force Cutter into seeing sense, into not creating more problems than they already had to deal with. Though the soft shaking she could feel from his arm told her he wanted nothing so much as to go out there and start taking control.

"I don't know," Jenny replied, despite recognising that Cutter's question had largely been rhetorical. "But I do think our day just got a whole lot worse."

Chapter One

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