Fic: (HnG) The Good Friend

Dec 19, 2008 14:26

Title: The Good Friend
Author: corbeaun
Recipient: flonnebonne
Characters/Pairing: Waya, Isumi/Le Ping
A/N: Waya Yoshitaka is 22, Isumi is 25 and Le Ping just turned 18.
Word count: 6,200

Summary: Not everything can be fixed, but this time Waya Yoshitaka tries to be the good friend.

Written for flonnebonne in the fifthmus holiday fic exchange, here.

The Good Friend )

hng: isumi/le ping, fandom: hikaru no go, fic: hng, hng: waya

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Comments 1

ontogenesis February 8 2009, 12:48:04 UTC
Very enjoyable friendship piece... I liked seeing Waya have to be the one to smack some sense into Isumi.


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