Been getting over a vicious bug, so have only recently been back online to respond to comments and do a posting update on revealed holiday exchange fics and art. An accomplished feeling, especially as a headache is still threatening my equilibrium and ability to concentrate for than a hour. I've compiled a list of writing projects for the next few
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Comments 7
[HnG] Completion of Season of Black Chrysanthemums
The surroundings - the backlit shoji walls, the worn tatami of the ryotei, the muffled yowl of an alley cat in the distance - faded unnoticed into the background. Only Shindo remained, warm and reassuringly solid against him.
[HnG] Beginning of (as I described it to [info]owari) the Yeongha-gay-sex-tour -- because the Hikago fandom needs more pr0n. XD
For [info]tininess: Yeongha/Hikaru
For me, hee! [info]corbeaun: Yeongha/Akira
Possibly, Yeongha/Yashiro
YES please GOD!! Not that i am pushy or anything! If you need beta services let me know dear. and i am ALL for PoRn, who better to do it than the slut man himself Yeongha. Yashiro would be ALL kinds of win.
I'm aiming to just sit down and write down all of SBC, before posting. The posting in parts seem to be stymieing me - so you'll probably be the first reader (and thank you for the continued beta offer - I'll definitely be taking advantage of it! ;) when I post parts for editing under lock.
Yashiro would be ALL kinds of win.
Oh, yes. I certainly agree... *smirks*
♥ ♥♥♥♥
Looking forward to all of them, especially SoBC, since you wrote "Completion" hehehehe.
For SBC, I'm going to really knuckle-down in a few weeks and try to wrap everything up - it'll free up the HnG room in my head, so that I can write other fics without feeling guilty. ^^;
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I'm trying to get over my embarrassment of writing explicit scenes - so I thought, Let's just tackle this head on! (and if anyone tries to make a pun of that, I'll go up in a flame of mortification...)
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