Title: Stretched Thin
coquilleon Summary: Charles is exhausted. He just needs a moment to himself, but it gets harder and harder as the day goes on.
Genre: Romance
Rating: R
Pairing: Charles/Erik (side Hank/Alex, unrequited Hank/Raven)
Charles throws himself to the hard concrete floor just in time - intense heat and blinding red light barely, so narrowly, misses his head as the wall behind him burst into flames )
Comments 18
Love the side stories you had going, too, with Alex and Hank, and with poor Raven. But *__________* Erik offering comfort and reprieve to Charles. Ngh.
I love how languid and dreamy your writing is here. It matches Charles' exhausted state perfectly.
i never thought hank/alex either, but I saw it in the comm and said 'why not?'
the Sean part was my fave too. :)
thanks. im glad you enjoyed it :)
thanks for commenting :)
I said it before, but there's such a sense of inhabiting the character you're writing-it's in the little details, it's in the perfect characterization, it's in the progression of pace, the steady build-up so that we're right there with Charles when he can't even handle Sean's interlude, that sense of a string vibrating, about to snap, but he just holds and holds that silence, and the tension is wonderful. I love the way you incorporate Charles's telepathy so smoothly; even as we're immersed in his struggles, input from the others is constantly coming in, and he's aware of it, reacts to it, receiving it both comes naturally to him and yet we can feel the overload building ( ... )
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