Fanwork Exchange! :D

Sep 16, 2009 09:10

First off, yay! I was so happy to see those posts for Kakashi's birthday! I am all warm and glowy from it, and I hope you guys are too :D

And now....

KakaSasu Fanwork Exchange Is Go!

Rules and Guidelines

1. The deadline for completion is November 30.

2. This is an exchange, so everyone participating will make one request, and produce one work for someone else.

3. Perfection is not required ^__^ However, fics should be at least 1500 words, with reasonably good grammar and spelling (preferably beta-read), and art should be at least a clean, detailed sketch. For any other fanwork - please spend at least three hours on it.

4. Confine yourself to the limits set to you by the requester. For example, if your prompt says "nothing graphic," please don't show us detailed penetration XD This is probably more of an issue with shota, as I know that some fans of this pairing are squicked by that.

5. Kakashi/Sasuke or Sasuke/Kakashi must be the main focus of the work, but of course other characters can also be used.

6. Please don't contact your recipient. These are supposed to be a surprise! :D If you have any questions, please email them to me at, and I'll do the contacting for you.

7. Don't post your assignment here, or in any other community, before November 30th - but you can post wherever you want, once the exchange has been completed.

8. Please only sign up if you're certain you can complete your fanwork by November 30th. I do understand that things can and will happen, so if something comes up and you are unable to complete, please email me as soon as possible at so that I can find someone else to take over your assigned prompt.

9. This isn't an anonymous exchange, but you may choose to participate anonymously. If you'd like to do this, let me know in the sign-up email, and your author/artist won't get your name. I'll also post your work on copycock for you. You can always choose to un-anon yourself at a later time.

10. I'd also like to have one or two back-up artists/writers. If you'd like to volunteer to fill in, in case anyone has to drop out unexpectedly, please let me know ^__^

11.You won't be able to pick the recipient/prompt you'll be filling, but I'll do my best to make sure that assignments fit.


Now that you've read all that, here's what I need from you! Come up with a prompt or request, anywhere from 1 to 30 words. Keep in mind that your prompt filler could be an artist or a writer. Copy this short form, fill it out, and email it to me at by September 30th.

Email address:
Seriously Cannot Do:

Prompt (1-30 words):

Additional Information:

Assignments will be sent out by October 7th, and you will have until November 30th to complete them ^__^

Posting will be the first week of December. I'll make another post about that as we get close to the date!

Any questions, comments or concerns? Leave a comment here, or email me at :)

.mod-post, content: exchange

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