Books I've Read (2008): Pride of Baghdad

May 15, 2008 22:12

Mmm, I got to bake today and yesterday for the first time in what seems like forever. Both recipes (a type of peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips and a brownie with peanut butter chips and a shortbread bottom) were new recipes for me, and both were delicious successes!

Pride of Baghdad, by Brian K. Vaughan (writer) and Niko Henrichon (artist): The story is told from the point of view of four lions who escaped from the Baghdad Zoo when the US invaded in 2003. It's an...odd story for me. It's very politically charged, to the detriment of the story. It felt like Vaughan wanted to write something about the nature of freedom and Iraq and that entire mess and then structured the story around that, so that the message and ideas behind the story felt more important than the story itself.

Which isn't a bad or wrong way to go about writing something, it's just not what I like in my personal fiction reading. Also, if I'm going to read about politics, I prefer it to be via non-fiction. I think Vaughan succeeds (and succeeds in a big way) with what he was trying to do in Pride of Baghdad and Henrichin's art is gorgeous, so the book's a good book and a compelling read, just not quite for me.

books, fandom: comics, reviews: comics

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