Title: Spy Arashi: Humble Beginnings
Chapter: 04. Sakurai Sho
Rating: G
Pairing: General Arashi friendship
Master post here. [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter] Sakurai yawned and leaned back against his chair to stretch his stiff muscles. He had been hunching over the table for several hours trying to perfect his new creation. Although Sakurai had graduated with a degree from medical school, his curiosity knew no bounds. Despite his insane schedule as a medical officer fresh out of the university, he still managed to find time to conduct his experiments. Even if those sessions were reduced to once a month one, Sho was still satisfied. He had recently came across a book on interesting chemistry experiments, and several of them had inspired him into making the ‘cigarettes’ that are piled up in front of him now. There was an array of amazing experiments in the book, but two of them had intrigued him the most. Or rather, he found only those two reactions useful to his job. The first was the termite reaction, a redox reaction that can create extreme heat. However, the use of powders meant that it was quite clumsy to carry around and deploy in missions. Sakurai himself was not a smoker (he's too concerned aver his health to do anything like that), but while watching others smoke in a bar one day, he hit upon the idea of packing the lose powder IN cigarettes itself. No one would question him for carrying a pack of cigarettes around. It was small, fits in his pocket, and… yes… a flame is also needed to start off the redox reaction. Carrying a pack of cigarettes and a lighter would be perfect. That was how Sakurai ended up hunched over his desk with the menial task of mixing the powders in the right proportion and packing them into cigarette wrapping. ‘Part one completed’ he thought to himself. He still has more to complete… but first, he needs to get a break.
Turning on the TV, Sakurai grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and settled happily on his sofa to watch his favorite program - News Zero. Sho missed the days when he actually had time to do things like reading newspapers. But now as a medical officer he barely had time to sleep. Sakurai sighed. He could barely wait for his housemanship year to finish so that he could join the Agency proper.
Sakurai was first asked to join the Agency by Johnny two years ago, right before he entered the final year of medical school. The Agency was in dire need of manpower at that time, in particular, they needed a knowledgeable man, someone who could advise his peers on a wide range of subject matters on the field, and Sakurai fitted the bill perfectly. The first born of a politician and a university professor, Sakurai’s single minded pursuit of knowledge was well known throughout the university. Even though the study schedules of medical students were absolutely crazy, Sho somehow managed to find time to drop in on random classes that interested him. Once, he even scored distinction in an economics assay test - and he was not even a proper student of the said course. To top it off, Sho was also the vice-president of the student union. Being a member of the student union as a medical student was a feat in itself, but to be vice-president? That was completely unheard of. It was no wonder the distinguished student caught the eye of Johnny. Sho had agreed in a heartbeat. After all the reason why he ended up in medical school was more so because of his parent’s expectations than anything else. He didn’t hate it, but he didn’t particularly have an extremely strong passion either. The only caveat was that he had to finish med school and become a full fledged doctor. And so Sho has another half a year of slogging through to go.
Although Sakurai had a good brain, he wasn’t as talented in the physical department. Not so much as to his strength per say, but he just wasn’t talented in sports. This had caused Johnny’s advisors to caution against hiring Sho, but Johnny was convinced that Sakurai would make an invaluable addition to the Agency. After all, which army did not have their own doctors? Plus, Sakurai had shown his ability to absorb information like a sponge. And more importantly, he knew how to use the information. Johnny was certain that Sho’s aptitude for knowledge was more than asset enough for the Agency. Physical abilities can be trained, but you can’t train someone to be a genius.
The Agency, or Secret Service, as Sakurai Sho prefers to call it (since they both take the same short form of SS), was formed by Johnny Kitagawa in 1962 as a secret branch of the police. The previous spy department had been disbanded following Japan’s surrender during the WW2. In the years following WW2, Japan had abandoned its military development (or you could say they were forced to) and went on to focus its efforts on industrial development. It was only when the then police chief, Johnny came around that the idea of Japan having their own spy department re-surfaced, and eventually the Agency was formed.
Sakurai sighed and turned off the TV as the news program came to an end. He slowly shuffled back to his desk to continue his work on disguising his freshly made smoke bombs into inconspicuous looking cigarettes. ‘I guess the fun part will come when I get to test them out.’ He was still unconvinced at his own decision to make the special cigarettes and prayed hard they would work as planned… 'Hopefully I’ll be able to finish them in an hour…’ Sho thought as he looked at the clock. He still has an early day ahead of him tomorrow.
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