Moi j'avoue j'ai plus la force de rien en fait... c'est de pire en puire c'est désespérant
Ah Gackt, oui c'était pas mal les uchiwa mais bon, en effet, l'année dernière plus marquant, cette année...disons que le temps passe aussi, on oublie un peu. Enfin pas VANILLA!
LOL, this is so truuuuuue XD I always have too many things to talk about, in my blog XD How comeeee *o*?!
My phone is full of pics XD I like to take pics of everything. Even food LOL, I feel hungry each time I see them XD
Oh and and and, my friend saw a CM of GANTZ on French TV!! It lasted about 10sec but still, I hope I'll see it soon *o*
As for London, I only found a Japanese book store, at Picadilly Circus! I remember it well because they gave me a point card LOL Ahhhh, I lost it T_T But everything was expensive there anyway x_x!!
Comments 86
Oh-noooooooooooooooo, you were faster than meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Give me back my first comment!! XD
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kyoticle - 18 points
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ida_lawliet - 5 points
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Riori_addict - 1 point
sekaiii - 1 point
silystya- 1 point
vividmornings - 1 point
Waahhh, it's already your 3rd point O_O!
I love pandaaaaas!!
Lol XD Nice timing!
Wah wah wah, I don't like the new editor!
It ate my LJ-cut so many times! And added weird spaces everywhere!
Well, I think I've repaired everything è_é
I'll not lose to you Livejournal!!
Maken na!!!!!! (I love WEAVER ❤)
Anyway, long time no see!
Nattttt! I missed reading your blog lol XD
Give me a Nat point *o*
Wait wait wait, I don't have LJ's adds on in this computer XD
I can't resize my textttttt ToT
Imagine it in red, ne XD
I miss you T_T
AH finally GANTZ I will have to watch it j'espère vite!
T'as vu comment on devient encore plus flemmarde avec twitter! On poste plus autant qu'avant!!!
Mdrrrrrrr XD
Faut je poste pour GACKT aussi, mais bon,
je suis sûre que je saurai pas quoi écrire XD
Le premier concert m'a plus marqué en fait~
Quoique le coup des uchiwas, c'était bien drôle XD
Fiou, j'ai trop la flemme dernièrement~
Trois mois que ça dure~
Pourtant, je l'aime, mon bloggggggg~
Et mon Twitteeeeeer!
Moi j'avoue j'ai plus la force de rien en fait... c'est de pire en puire c'est désespérant
Ah Gackt, oui c'était pas mal les uchiwa mais bon, en effet, l'année dernière plus marquant, cette année...disons que le temps passe aussi, on oublie un peu. Enfin pas VANILLA!
Ah ouiiiiiiiii, VANILLA!
La chanson que j'avais pas reconnue XD
Na mais faut le faire quand même mdr
C'est parce que c'était unee version rock,
sans les saxo et trompettes truc èoé!!
...Okay, c'est pas une excuse fiable T_T
Bouhou T_T
Trop la honte XD
(The comment has been removed)
LOL, this is so truuuuuue XD
I always have too many things to talk about, in my blog XD
How comeeee *o*?!
My phone is full of pics XD
I like to take pics of everything.
Even food LOL, I feel hungry each time I see them XD
Oh and and and,
my friend saw a CM of GANTZ on French TV!!
It lasted about 10sec but still, I hope I'll see it soon *o*
As for London, I only found a Japanese book store, at Picadilly Circus!
I remember it well because they gave me a point card LOL
Ahhhh, I lost it T_T But everything was expensive there anyway x_x!!
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