on-the-go/easily reheated meals?

Jul 11, 2014 22:53

Our daughter has swimming lessons in the evenings starting next Monday that will go for 2 weeks. Class time is an hour after I get off work, and we live 20 miles away, so running home for supper is not feasible. We will have access to a fridge and microwave at DH's workplace, where we will likely hang out for that hour to eat ( Read more... )

search: cheap meals, search: food-on-the-go

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Comments 16

mamaduckers July 12 2014, 04:48:14 UTC
What about tacos? Cook up the meat in advance, and reheat it at the office, assemble and eat. Use whatever meat you prefer, ground beef, shredded beef, chicken or even pork (carnitas).


ajb92504 July 12 2014, 20:08:04 UTC
Good idea, we love tacos! It's going on the list, thanks.


icelore July 12 2014, 07:12:18 UTC
Any kind of pasta, hot or cold, travels well and heats up nicely if needed. Pasta with olive oil, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, a bit of garlic, and some crumbled feta is nice cold or room temp, as is any kind of pasta salad.

Chicken bakes, or "one pot casseroles" would be hearty and would microwave. Some kind of deconstructed pot pie - cubed chicken, veggies, in a low fat sauce would be yummy. Served with biscuits or some nice bread.

I'd also think hamburger helper type things - lasagna, mac n cheese, stroganoff, etc, made healthy.


icelore July 12 2014, 07:12:59 UTC
Also, fruit salads, and things like hummus on really crunchy crackers can be added to more mundane meals to round them out and really give a nice fullness. :)


ajb92504 July 12 2014, 20:08:59 UTC
Thanks, all great ideas!


amiyuy July 12 2014, 08:35:29 UTC
My in-laws just fed us for a week while my husband was recovering from surgery with pulled pork, coleslaw, and various fruits.

I've used this pulled pork recipe with much success in the past. (It says to use a blender to pull it apart...mine has always just completely fallen apart in the slow cooker.)


ajb92504 July 12 2014, 20:12:12 UTC
Oh, we love pulled pork! Thanks for the recipe! I've never heard of using a blender to pull it... interesting.

I hope you husband has a quick recovery from surgery.


firehorse July 12 2014, 11:07:04 UTC
Pasta salads travel well, and you can put pretty much whatever you want in them, and they can often be eater either hot or cold.

What exactly is hotdish? I've seen in mentioned here and there, but have never seen a good definition/explanation of it.


ajb92504 July 12 2014, 20:20:45 UTC
Thank you!
Hotdish is a general term for what I believe is called casserole elsewhere. It usually has a meat, starch (noodles or potatoes) and a veggie all mixed together and then cooked in the oven.
I got a kick out of this when I googled it after your question... I didn't realize that the term hotdish was regional to my area! (I grew up on the North Dakota/Minnesota border), but this is EXACTLY what I call hotdish. I make both the tater tot one and the goulash one regularly.


firehorse July 13 2014, 12:03:04 UTC
Interesting! Thanks for the clarification. My family makes 'goulash' as well (it was one of my favorite things as a kid), but it isn't a casserole, and doesn't have corn in it-just elbow mac, ground beef and tomatoes. The ground beef is browned, tomatoes added and that stirred into the cooked elbows, usually served with a sprinkle of parmesan on top.

That side of the family is from central PA; I wonder if it's not a mutant version of your goulash hotdish?


ajb92504 July 13 2014, 13:30:13 UTC
Sounds pretty similar! I haven't tried parm on it, but some melted shredded american on it is good!


neptunia67 July 12 2014, 16:10:02 UTC
How about a salad kit that you prep the night before? Greens in one container, and toppings in another. You could do chopped tomatoes, carrots, peppers, cucumbers... grilled or baked chicken cut into chunks. Put that into another container, pack a bottle of salad dressing and voila. Great summertime dinner that is friendly for WW, and cheap to boot.


ajb92504 July 12 2014, 20:25:58 UTC
Great idea, thanks!


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