Gingersnap Cookies with Orange Zest

Dec 21, 2012 09:19

I whipped these up yesterday for teachers and staff at my child's school. It might be too late for that, but it doesn't meant you shouldn't make some for yourself! I'm actually making another batch right now - the extra dozen I made are gone, baby, gone.

What's the Christmas cookie staple in your house?

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herbs and spices: ginger, fruit: orange, dessert: cookies

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Comments 8

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brunettepet December 21 2012, 16:51:50 UTC
Thanks. Sorry for the multiple postings. LJ was being monkey and not showing I'd posted the query.


after_the_ashes December 21 2012, 17:02:19 UTC
Lol! No worries! I have made a thorough mess of them now, too :)


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after_the_ashes December 21 2012, 17:01:15 UTC
Crushed/ground - either way. Mostly, I just don't like the super fine black pepper you would get at a diner - I like using whole peppercorns and using my mortar and pestle so there are varying sizes and flakes of the peppercorns. It's a personal thing - I like having some bites that are zippier :)


quirkmanly December 21 2012, 18:19:31 UTC

... )


ne_jyam December 21 2012, 19:50:26 UTC
after_the_ashes December 23 2012, 05:06:26 UTC
I am glad people do molasses cookies! I love the flavor and the time to use it only seems to come around once a year here. I'm going to have to find a way to remedy that...


mizbhaven13 December 22 2012, 04:32:15 UTC
These sound wonderful! I might have to make some next week. I vary my cookies every year but the one that must always be included in every gift basket I make (or else I'll get shot) are my Kitchen SInk cookies. It's just your basic chocolate chip cookie recipe with whatever odds & ends of baking chips, candies, nuts you have left over after making everything else.


after_the_ashes December 23 2012, 05:07:35 UTC
That sounds like what my youngest daughter does when we make cookies together - she always makes a giant cookie bar with everything in it. Always the best, in my opinion - I love the nuts and she usually makes them with peanut butter.


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