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Comments 12

a_boleyn July 30 2011, 19:27:29 UTC
It's not quite as bad around the Great Lakes ... it's 93 deg F right now (3pm ET) so I decided to dig out my Donvier Ice Cream Maker. It only makes 2 quarts so I did a batch of blueberry yogurt sherbet/sorbet yesterday.

I have to buy more yogurt and some peaches and make this as soon as possible. :) Like you I was reminded that I really SHOULD let the fruit puree chill overnight in the fridge before putting a batch in the chillfast container. In any case, I now have have a total of 3 cups in the freezer which is nicely set calling to me.

The cashier at the Japanese grocery store suggested mango-ginger as a great combo as I salivated over their freezer section of ice creams ... green tea, red bean paste and ginger.


ajb92504 July 30 2011, 20:15:35 UTC
I just got a Donvier a couple weeks ago at the thrift store. I tried it once but the ice cream didn't set. Any tips?


a_boleyn July 30 2011, 21:29:25 UTC
You really have to make sure that your chill fast container is cold enough (freezer is set below zero). It should be set in the coldest part of your freezer, bowl facing up with nothing on top of it. If there's a blower, put it in front, bowl up so that the cool air FALLS into the bowl and freezes it ( ... )


savorysimple July 30 2011, 21:59:55 UTC
Those are all excellent tips.

I've actually never left the mixture sitting in the container before turning on the machine, but I'll definitely try that next time. I've had ice cream/sorbet not set a few times when my mixture wasn't cold enough and the container would start to cool down after 30 minutes. I have a dual ice cream machine, though, so I'm able to cheat and move the mixture into the 2nd frozen container where it finishes setting very quickly.


ajb92504 July 30 2011, 20:15:02 UTC
I just got a Donvier a couple weeks ago at the thrift store. I tried it once but the ice cream didn't set. Any tips?


ajb92504 July 30 2011, 20:16:20 UTC
To the OP: Sorry, this comment was supposed to go to the first commenter.

The recipe sounds delish though! As soon as I figure out how to use the Donvier I'll give it a try!


bleuberi21 July 30 2011, 20:59:46 UTC
That looks AMAZING. I would do...things...if I could have it right this second, lol.


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