Just got a bamboo steamer!

Jul 11, 2011 16:30

I just bought a bamboo steamer and I was wondering what all I could steam in it and if anyone has any good recipes?

appliance: general

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Comments 5

greeneyedsadie July 12 2011, 00:28:40 UTC
Potstickers, cha su bao, vegetables.

I need to find a recipe for these sweet bean paste buns that I get at my local Chinese place. They're steamed too.


weezerthe1 July 12 2011, 03:48:29 UTC
Frozen dim sum
Veggies- zucchini, greens, beans


woah_jackson July 12 2011, 06:06:27 UTC
One thing I was surprised I could steam at all was corn on the cob, but it tastes way better than boiling! It's the only way we cook it now :P


randomstasis July 12 2011, 07:02:04 UTC
all kinds of dumplings- set them over broth/soup for extra flavor ( ... )


tempest_omouthy July 12 2011, 13:35:36 UTC
I was taught how to make dolmades by a Syrian woman who boiled them and used a plate the weigh them down. However, when you steam them (big ones on the bottom, smaller on top, of course) you don't have to worry about the water leaching out all the delicious flavours!

Also, when I want to roast potatoes for dinner, I steam them first so that I just need them to crisp and brown in the oven with the meat I'm usually also baking. In the summer here in Atlanta, it's still better to steam first than keep the oven on so long.

ETA - I cut the potatoes up first and then start them steaming on my rice pot while I prep everything else.


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