
Apr 15, 2011 13:40

The other day I saw that Aldi had whole ducks on sale, and decided that since I've never cooked duck before, I'd get one and try it. I bought him Wednesday night and named him Huey. I'm kind of excited! I love trying to cook new things, it's like an adventure.

I've been Googling, as I do, trying to figure out the best way to do this. I would LOVE to try Alton Brown's way, but I don't have the equipment. Someday! In the meantime, I'm looking to roast the whole duck, and this is what I've got so far:
- I'm going to brine it, probably with AB's brine, because he's a genius and I trust him
- Prick the skin to let the fat render out, but be careful not to poke the actual meat.
- Salt and pepper the outside of the duck
- Roast it either elevated or standing up like beer can chicken, so it's not sitting in the fat
- Low & slow is better than hot & fast
- Save the fat for making other delicious things later (roasted potatoes = yummmmm), save the carcass for stock-making
- Let it rest about 10 minutes before carving

I still have these questions for you, oh lovely cooking people:
- I've seen at least two places say to pour a kettleful of boiling water over the skin, to tighten the skin and I guess start the fat rendering out? Most places I've seen don't list this step, so I don't know. Is this a good idea?
- I'm in an apartment with a super sensitive smoke detector. As in, my stove sets it off sometimes if there's something on the burner. Is "low and slow" enough to prevent smoking? I saw some places suggest putting water in the pan under the duck, to prevent smoking, then later skim the fat off the surface of the water. Has anyone else tried this?
- The duck came with a packet of orange sauce. I'm still not sure if I care to use it. I can tell from my Googling that orange is a traditional flavor for duck, so I might go for that. The brine I'm using features orange-pineapple juice, after all. Is there a better orange sauce I can make/use? Is there something that's even MORE AWESOME than orange? The duck is Maple Leaf Farms brand if that makes any difference.
- What am I missing?
- What sides should I go for? I had my wisdom teeth out three weeks ago, so mashed potatoes or mac & cheese are OUT. I don't want either of those again for a long time. What goes good with duck?

meat: duck, help: how to

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