Sesame oil suggestions

Mar 24, 2009 21:11

I tried a new recipe tonight that called for a couple of teaspoons of sesame oil.. now what do I do with the rest of it?? I could make tons and tons of peanut sauce, but I would tire of that real easily!
Throw out your favorite uses for this stuff so I don't feel like I've wasted $5 hehe.

oil: sesame, search: recipe

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Comments 26

noelleleithe March 25 2009, 02:17:19 UTC
I use it in every stir fry I make, instead of whatever other kinds of oil people use for stir fry. :)


seidhr March 25 2009, 02:17:40 UTC
I use it routinely in stir fry. However, the oil will last a long time, so hang onto it and use it as you get the urge. You can keep it in the fridge if you're worried it'll go rancid before you finish it.


andiandiandi4 March 25 2009, 02:20:44 UTC
Yeah I was worried about it going bad before using it up because it wasn't cheap! Good think to know it'll last a bit!


seidhr March 25 2009, 02:25:20 UTC
You can just toss it in the fridge and it'll be fine. I don't think it's really necessary, as I've had a bottle sitting out for about a year w/o it becoming rancid, but you do what makes you most comfortable.


gemfyre March 25 2009, 03:12:05 UTC
I've had sesame oil sitting in my cupboard for about 4 years now and it's still fine!


trenchcoatedson March 25 2009, 02:18:22 UTC
Salad dressings.


andiandiandi4 March 25 2009, 02:22:31 UTC
Der, I didn't even think of that! Thanks!


bobbysan March 25 2009, 02:19:24 UTC
There is so much you can do with Sesame oil.
I've added it to bread recipes to make it more nutty.
I've used it with home made hash browns (an interesting and really good flavor).
It's great with salad dressings
Any Asian dish (almost)
A good cheat when making hummus.
Great in baking sweet deserts/cakes.

I LOVE my sesame oil. I have three different types at all times if I can.

Good luck.


andiandiandi4 March 25 2009, 02:23:07 UTC
oh that sounds so good in hummus!


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andiandiandi4 March 25 2009, 02:24:49 UTC
Coolness, I'll have to try it with another recipe I have. Thanks!


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