first date meme

May 04, 2011 18:11

first date meme

do you remember that one first date? the way your knees shook, your palms sweat, the way you wanted to try and get in that one, chaste kiss before the magic night was over...

this is your chance to have a first date all over again, and maybe, have an even better time then before!

Welcome to the First Date Meme! The rules are simple: You post a comment with your character and others comment to it with a number of the types of dates below. Your characters will go on this first date, whatever it is, and it's up to you to decide if things go well, or not at all!

Here are the types you can pick:

ONE: picnic
Just what it says, a lovely picnic!
You can choose the food, the place and what to talk about.
Will you romance your date with a private picnic for two?

TWO: walk on the beach
Nothing is more romantic then a walk on the beach right?
The sound of the ocean,
the feel of the sand between your toes...
But what if you get shocked by a beached jellyfish?!
Or what if your date trips into the ocean and gets all wet!
Looks like you'll have to decide.

THREE: dinner
Romantic dinner for two at the classiest restuarant
or a homecooked meal at home?
Either way, it's bound to be special right?
As long as nothing catches on fire...

FOUR: drive-in movie
Any kind of movie will do, but you have to remember,
your date may not like what you chose.
You may not even like what you both pick!
What will you do if that happens?
One could think of certain things,
but surely the first date is too early for that!

FIVE: cafe
Just wanting a simple meet up?
Come to this lovely cafe to meet and drink some wonderful tea!
Completely non-committal right, even if you start holding hands.

SIX: the pier
Fishing? Arcades? Ferris Wheel?
You have so many options for the perfect date,
and even better it's at sunset,
so you can get close to your date while you finish off your day.

- No Wank.
- Make sure to put the Number of the date in the subject line!
- Please keep it clean, nothing above PG-13!
- Have fun!


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