I seriously love the internet. Just got done uploading and ordering family photos online for our hallway grouping. Checked on our agriculture soil test analysis. Should be in soon. Last night used the Click n' Pick option for Sam's Club so D can swing by and get this baby today:
For those puzzling over the photo, that's a composter. For anyone in the market for one, it was $39. About 6" smaller dimensionwise from the one that held 110-gallons, or the equivalent of 15-cubic feet. That model, by the way, was still a very decent price at 60something, considering many of the smaller ones were $100 or more and the rotaries priced out beginning at $300 and up.
I've been saving kitchen waste (veggie parts, rinsed egg shells and tea grounds) for two weeks and putting it into zip bags. Boy, you don't realize how much you throw out until you do that! With the brown material (oak leaves, shredded papers) that are in abundance here, I should have rich, humusy, loamy top dressing for the garden in a matter of months. I have big, big, big plans for the yard. I want to make it an outdoor living space in the true sense, with gathering areas where friends and family can hang out and more private, quiet spots to reflect and enjoy. Pergolas, flagstone paths framed by creeping jenny *sigh* Expect to hear more about my garden ventures.
Inspiration picture via seattlepi.com Don't you want to follow down it, just to see where it leads?