Title: What Friends Do Author: MI Rating: PG Fandom: LotRPS (Sean A, Elijah) Disclaimer: So far from the truth that the truth would need to use the Hubble telescope to see it.
I love this pairing, even when it's not one of the most popular ones :) I like the way you wrote them. In the end, Sean and Sam are alike in many ways. This fits the challenge perfectly; it's small and simple but it still shows the friendship and protectiveness they share.
oh, thank you so much for the feedback. I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of the pairing but it just seemed to fit the idea for the story so well, I couldn't not use them. Thank you again. ^_^
Comments 4
I love this pairing, even when it's not one of the most popular ones :) I like the way you wrote them. In the end, Sean and Sam are alike in many ways. This fits the challenge perfectly; it's small and simple but it still shows the friendship and protectiveness they share.
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