friend's cut

Dec 19, 2008 23:53

i never thought i was the friends cut type, but i realized i had a lot of friends i never even spoke to , mmmm -if you can't see this entry you have been cut :( i was just going to keep the cut to myself but i cut a handful ( Read more... )

flist : friend's cut

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Comments 1

anonymous December 22 2008, 16:01:50 UTC
contessajulia December 23 2008, 10:58:19 UTC
OH GOD , you silly girl, I WOULD NEVER CUT THEE , thats just nonsense. you could never be around or talk to me, your a busy girl & livin your life ✈ ✈ i know you care && you're just to unique and have to much light on LJ when you are around its so worth it ♥ | ♥ | ♥


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