Some days I wish I was grown in a test tube.

Dec 01, 2009 12:42

Spent the last hour pissing around with dying laptops and TalkTalk disks trying to get my mother (okay, and me) temporary internet access until her shiny new computer arrives next week. Worth the effort, as it turns out, and I shall type very quickly before the damn thing bluescreens me again. Some things just have to be shared ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

shapinglight December 1 2009, 13:39:18 UTC
That was very amusing (though less so for the emu, I suppose, if it ends up as dinner). Thanks for sharing and I hope the new computer turns up soon.


gillo December 1 2009, 14:15:40 UTC

'I watched Rod Hull as a child, does that help?'
'Not really. I wasn't planning on sticking my hand up it's arse.'

That has just made my day, it made me laugh so much. Genuinely LOL!

Apparently there is an emu farm in Leicestershire. THat's north of Coventry. ::being helpful::


brunettepet December 1 2009, 17:50:24 UTC
What a hilarious story and I love that it was all taking place on the telephone. The splash and hang up were hilarious, and then the explanation made it funnier still. Thanks for making me laugh.


zanthinegirl December 1 2009, 19:46:17 UTC
Hee-- that is a little surreal!

Though there are a couple emu ranches in the area around my parent's old house in eastern Oregon. I used to see them when i was out riding my bike; very odd animals!


emeraldsedai December 1 2009, 20:53:46 UTC
Funniest story I've heard in ages. Thank you for the laugh.

Good luck with your connectivity.


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