[ let's party! open :: in progress ]

Oct 22, 2009 20:56

Characters; Kamui (absolutecarnage) & whoever is in Ex-Favila's first brigade.
Setting/Location; Ex-Favila // Training grounds
Date & Time; Day 2, morning
Briefing; Training - the Yato way.

if it hurts, then we're doing it right \o/ )

mihael "mello" keehl, nicholas d. wolfwood, mikage, kamui, zack fair, *country: ex favila

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Comments 15

m_sfire October 23 2009, 02:03:57 UTC
It was already shaping up to be A Week. Besides the fact that their new recruits (in every brigade) seemed to have about as much common sense -- put together -- as the late dodo, old liabilities coming home to roost and new ones cropping with what looked like the latest wave of Summonings in every country (both a blessing and curse, to be fair), the trade supply of chocolate was dipping before his eyes. Damn population growth.

Mello clutched one of his dwindling reserve of bars a little tighter as he wound his way through the steadily filling corridors of the market -- the rest of the base was beginning to wake up now that the "day" was properly underway, and if you wanted to get anywhere in a timely manner you got moving before the breakfast rush hit.

Still, he took his time digging into the chocolate, muscles winding tighter and stance sinking slightly as he approached the training grounds. After any length of time working under someone like Kamui (and he was still questioning the promotional procedures that allowed that to lead ( ... )


ghg_chapel October 23 2009, 02:21:51 UTC
There really was nothing to do in this place. It stank, a little less with the removal of the bodies, and felt like an overpopulated can of packed pork. That reminded him, the man never got back to him whether the services of a priest was required. But underground, with too many people thrown together in too small a place, Wolfwood couldn't turn anywhere without seeing at least another person already there ( ... )


breakin_out October 23 2009, 19:02:18 UTC
Zack had been most excited over the up coming training session, if not a little worried. His Ace General --Kamui, was it?-- had sounded like a nice fella, until, well he'd spoken about the whole 'let's all fight at once' deal. Not that Zack really minded, but heck, he wasn't gonna kill any of his brigade members. Maybe rough 'em up a bit, what with all this pent up physical frustration this training session was like a blessing from Gaia herself.

So he'd made the most out of it. But he wouldn't be reckless.

No, those days were behind him now. He'd learned, over the years --and especially during his and Cloud's escape-- that patience and tactfulness together with caution were the best battle techniques out there. When he'd been younger, when he'd trained under Angeal, Zack had been...full of energy, not that he was any less toned down, but now he...he'd seen what war and terror was really all about. And he'd learned, from a first hand experience that dreams were easily made but hardly ever fulfilled. Yet, that didn't mean he'd given ( ... )


absolutecarnage October 24 2009, 04:11:41 UTC
Well, this looked like a sad turn out. None of them were particularly impressive as far as he knew. He really hoped they wouldn't run away from him right away and end his fun so soon. Kamui was really hoping for an actual work out and not just to stand around and watch their backs. There was a skinny one with a weird scar and another with bad hair. Oh and the third was his roommate!

He waved again, allowing them to come to him. It would be too easy if he went first, so he'd been hoping one of them had the guts to just come out and attack him right away.

But they weren't. What was all this discretion? If he wasn't their general, he'd have killed them all by now... not that that really was going to stop him at the moment, but he liked to at least give them a chance to escape.

"So, what are you waiting for? I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you all come at me, first."


ghg_chapel October 24 2009, 04:27:42 UTC
As Wolfwood approached, he became aware that they weren't alone anymore. It was more of a peripheral feeling he got at the beginning, but when two others popped out of the rockwork, it was easy to notice enough.

But what really threw him for a loop was what the redhead said. That was strange, was this a meeting of some sort?

Even as Wolfwood got a distinct feeling he was missing something, he recalled that there was an announcement earlier from his cabinmate who wanted to pick a fight, generally and specifically. Now that he thought about it, this guy's voice sounded a little familiar too...

Wolfwood's eyes narrowed and he gave the other's tiny lithe figure an assessing visual drag. He could take the kid on, no problem. "You're that bratty boy who wanted ta take th' bed." He smirked and chewed on his cigarette's filter. "Ya sure talk big."


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