lend me your eyes, 'cause I'm losing my sight.

Oct 20, 2009 09:53

characters; cecil, open.
setting/location; ex favila; corpsegrounds.
date & time; free time day, early morning. really early.
briefing; Listen up, this log is a funny one. It's the first part of Cecil's disposal plan, and will consist mainly of gathering up the bodies that are making a rather gross smell around Exfav. It'll be updated eventually ( ( Read more... )

linoan, abel, cecil harvey, *country: ex favila

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Comments 10

livesbyinstinct October 20 2009, 20:34:18 UTC
Kiba couldn't sleep. How could he? The place all ready irritated him and the teenager hadn't been around the place for even a solid 24 hours. Part of the why he was so restless was because he was underground - had to be. Kiba had never liked being confined. Being underground was almost as good as being so. He missed the open air--clean air that didn't smell like death and rot. That bothered him too, the smell. It was all ready overloading his keener olfactory senses as it were, disgusting and potent to the point it threatened at times to make him nauseous. He had always been proud of his sense of smell, but during moments like this, he'd almost rather not have it at all.

"Come on," he said to Akamaru, the large dog trotting at his side as they weaved through the underground passages. Might as well explore the territory. It was better than sitting around and doing nothing. Anything was better than sitting around in those tents and doing nothing. Drive him crazy, that's all it would do ( ... )


reflectreveal October 23 2009, 10:48:15 UTC
At the words, the dark knight turned around. Really, he had no idea what other people would even want to do down here, and the thought of being interrupted hadn't struck him. His masked eyes glanced from master to hound at the quiet bark, visible eyes engraved in the helm simply staring onward completely unfazed. That was the point of the helm after all. It didn't allow any emotion to be seen.

Beautiful animal. he thought to himself, through he simply allowed a polite inclination of the head. "My name is Cecil. Of brigade three. "


livesbyinstinct October 24 2009, 03:51:47 UTC
Kiba nodded once. The name held little meaning to him, but still radiated a sort of possible familiarity. The teenager had probably heard the name mentioned in passing. Three, four times maybe? Enough for him to file it away somewhere for possible recall. Third brigade? One of those of higher rank, hadn't it seemed like? Maybe. Yet for someone of a higher rank to be doing seeming drudge-work like this? It didn't add up.

Then again, maybe the man was doing this on his own, did the one thing no one else probably wanted to do. If this place had its own method of proper corpse-disposal, it wouldn't smell like it did. At least, not if things were run properly. It reeked of neglect and disinterest, now that Kiba thought of it, as much as it smelled of gradual, slow decay.

Kiba's eyes followed the direction of his thoughts, skimming over the decomposed. He was liking this place less and less by the minute. "Do they not bother to bury them?"


reflectreveal October 24 2009, 11:07:47 UTC
As Kiba spoke and thought to himself about the dark knight's identity, Cecil turned around and resumed his work; this time picking up ...quite literally one and a half bodies. Disgusting. ...That... must have been a hard death. A truly hard death. Again showing little to absolutely no reaction - he continued his task until the other asked his question.

..A difficult question. Extremely difficult. But he would do his best to answer, the vows he had undertaken as a knight still applied here; one of them being that falsehood would never pass his lips. " Our losses have been heavy, extremely heavy. There are far too many bodies. "


hopeoftahra October 20 2009, 22:28:59 UTC
Sleep rarely came easily to Linoan; it had been so since her father's execution and the beginning of the imperial presence in Tahra. She'd spent countless nights lying awake with the blankets pulled over her head, wishing that if she kept herself out of sight, then she would truly become invisible, beyond the empire's reach.

It had never worked, of course. Then Dean had arrived in Tahra, and with him to look out for her, she'd been able to sleep better, if still not perfectly.

But this new place, without a familiar face in sight, was enough for old habits to strike again, and after hours of failing to fall asleep, she finally gave up and headed outside. She still didn't really know her way around the base, and if she wasn't going to be getting any rest anyway, she might as well make use of the time and learn -- and then she stopped as she came upon the pile of corpses.

Like Alster all over again, she thought. It was painful to realize that even as the war at home finally drew to an end, her own battles had still hardly begun ( ... )


reflectreveal October 23 2009, 11:06:44 UTC
She shouldn't have been here, Cecil thought to himself as he ceased his work for a few moments to look upon the woman. A lost love's voice came back once more at the sight of the woman doing something that she certainly would have done, and the Dark Knight allowed himself a moment before he spoke. As always, his voice was considerate. Contemplative, yet kind. This woman certainly was something to not have to retreat at walking into such a horrendous smell, after all.

"Wandering around at this hour could prove to be dangerous, my Lady. "


hopeoftahra October 23 2009, 22:00:13 UTC
The man's voice had the same moderate, respectful sort of tone as his actions. The armor seemed rather...out of place, perhaps, but Linoan supposed he must have his reasons.

"I'm not unacquainted with danger," she said quietly. "But I do thank you for your concern, sir."

Her gaze dropped from the knight to the corpses once again. "...have they truly made no arrangements for the dead?"


reflectreveal October 24 2009, 11:42:36 UTC
Cecil simply allowed his head to move in a polite nod at her words of knowing danger. He couldn't help but think on it though; it seemed like she was a new conscript and that she had came from a wworld which did not know peace. Really, her mind was her own. There was no point in getting pushy with the woman and telling her to leave- she seemed to stomach the corpses well enough.

...What on earth the leadership of this land was doing bringing women in and expecting them to fight, Cecil would likely never know. ...But this woman was not to fight. Her face seemed familiar. Wasn't she brought in as a medic? "I can only tell you this, for I do not know the reasons. Our losses have been extremely heavy. There is simply no time to bury people as they should. "


(The comment has been removed)

reflectreveal October 23 2009, 11:20:37 UTC
Cecil nodded as the seeming giant of a man allowed his help, instead turning and kneeling as he lifted more bodies from bodies. The trick was not to overload the supplies cart with them; lest it be made impossible to pull to the surface. Logic maintained that it would be an upward trek, after all.

The last person he'd seen someone with hands so large yet so dexterous was his brother. That made conversation falter; memories of the past overtaking him for the moment. But like all things, they faded- or rather, simply subsided if only to return later.

"Thank you. " he responded, soberly.


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