
Oct 31, 2020 00:00

Anon enabled, screening off, IP logging off.
Castiel is mid-series 5 unless otherwise stated.

I'm disgustingly new to playing from Supernatural and, by extension, to playing Castiel. As such, I'd love any and all concrit. However, please bear in mind that I am new to franchise as a whole, so if you could leave episode references with crit so that I can follow up, that would be a great help! Thank you.

NOTE: Whilst Castiel has a rather unique way of speaking, he does use Americanisms. As a Brit, there are undoubtedly a large number of Americanisms that I'm unaware of. If, at any point, I have Castiel use a construction, word, or phrase that makes you go 'BUT THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT!', please let me know! I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

!ooc, !concrit

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