Yuuri/Conrad doujin translations

Mar 30, 2010 01:14

Sorry for spamming this comm non-stop...

I've finished the translations of two more ColdBlaze doujinshi. Both are NC-17 Yuuri/Conrad, very much NSFW. Shameless smut with a dash of humor, especially the second one. I feel really dirty just typing in all the "Nnn! Aaah!" sounds :D

There are only two more left to go after this, and those involve a threesome with Wolfram and then Maou!Yuuri/Conrad. The one with Maou!Yuuri seems to be more Shinou-in-Yuuri's-body, though, so I'm not sure if those feature enough of this couple to get their own post on this comm. I'll make an edit later on and throw them up here, if anyone's interested.

Love's Banana

Wolfram: Ah!  I can't take it anymore!  It's already been five days!
Murata: Ah, don't be angry.  It's not something we can set a deadline for.
Wolfram: How can those two stay locked up in the bedroom all day?!
Gunter: Yaaa!  It's been so long since I've seen Heika's magnificent visage!
Gwendal: And when will our Heika start behaving as the ruler of this nation?
Murata: Oh, come on!  We'll just wait until Shibuya is done using his banana!
Wolfram: What banana!

SFX: *ta*
Yuuri: Well, everyone's here!  Good morning!  Everyone!
Murata: Whoa!  He's finally come out!
Wolfram: Yuuri!
Gunter: Ah!  It's not a dream!
Gwendal: ...
Gunter: Aaaaah!  Heika!

Gwendal: Since you've come back, why don't you finish your work!
Yuuri: You're pointing to that small mountain of documents?
Gunter: Heika, how about we continue our studies!
Yuuri: Whoa, that...
Wolfram: You said you'd help with my painting!
Yuuri: Ah, I, I haven't forgotten.

Yuuri: (Man, I'm in trouble.  After taking off a few days, there are so many things piled up!)
Murata: That's right!  What about Lord Weller?  He didn't come with you?
Yuuri: Ah!

Wolfram: Yeah!  What about Conrad!  You were only with him for so many days, did you forget about the rest of us?!
Yuuri: Ah!  He's a bit tired, so I let him rest!
Wolfram: Really?!
Yuuri: R-really!  (Actually, because of me, Conrad has a hard time even getting out of bed right now.  But I can't let Wolf know about that!  I'd be a dead man!)

Murata: That's right, Shibuya, did you like Lord Weller's present?
Yuuri: Why are you asking me?  How do you even know he said those strange things!
Murata: I'm just making a guess.  It looks like you really enjoyed that present.  You're blushing, Shibuya!
Yuuri: Aaah?  What!
Murata: What's the matter, wasn't his "banana" tasty!
Yuuri: What?!

Conrad: Nn...aaah!  Hah, Yuuri...
Yuuri: Delicious, Conrad.
Conrad: Ah, please wait!

Conrad: Waah!  Ah!  Ah!
Yuuri: Uh!  Conrad!
Conrad: Yuuri! No... slower!  Please...!  Aaaah!

Conrad: Wah...
Yuuri: Hahn

Yuuri: Nn!  Love you!  Conrad!  I love you!
Conrad: Yuu...  Aahn!

Yuuri: ...
SFX: *patter*
Murata: Shibuya?

Murata: Whoa!  All of a sudden he just keeled over from a nosebleed?
Gunter: Heika!
Wolfram: Yuuri!

Gwendal: The bleeding is quite severe.
Gunter: Heika, please don't scare me like this!
Wolfram: Yuuri, why are you spouting "Gunter juice"!

Murata: Yes, it's decided!  For my birthday, I'll have Lord Weller give me a "cherry"...


Sweet Days

When I first read this one, I thought Conrad would top for once in ColdBlaze...!  But no.  LOL.

Conrad: You've already finished your medicine?  Here, I'll take the glass.
Yuuri: Okay.
Conrad: It's not as warm anymore.  The fever should be going down.  How do you feel?
Yuuri: Not bad.  Gisela's been taking care of me, and I've taken the medicine.

Conrad: You should rest when you have a cold, yet you still used your energy to travel through dimensions.  Really, we'll all help you do your work when you're not here...  It would be all right if you came after you had recovered.  If you don't pay attention to your health, you'll get worse...!
Yuuri: No way!

Yuuri: It's been so long since we last met!  It was so hard waiting until exams were over, so...  What does it matter if I'm sick!  I just wanted to see you right away!
Conrad: Yuuri...  All right, all right, I understand.  You've had a rough time, so welcome back.

Conrad: Yuuri, what are you doing?
Yuuri: Helping you take off your clothes.
Conrad: Why must I take off my clothes?  I can't rest right now.
Yuuri: I just said I couldn't wait anymore.  And Gisela also said that I need to sweat it out to get better.  So, Conrad, why don't we "exercise" together!
Conrad: Ah?!  Then you're...?!  Y-you're still sick!  Please don't...!
Yuuri: Come on, come on!  Let's sweat it out together!
Conrad: Yuuri!

Conrad: Ah!
Yuuri: It's been so long since I've touched you like this, Conrad.
Conrad: ...
Yuuri: Kiss?

Yuuri: Huh?!  Gwah!  What the hell!  My nose is dripping!
Conrad: ...
Yuuri: How annoying!  Why does it have to happen now!

Yuuri: (I want to die!  Right before the kiss, the snot dripped out!)
Conrad: Yuuri, are you all right?
Yuuri: You must think I'm stupid!  Something so embarrassing happened when we were about to kiss.  Perhaps the cold really is serious, and if we continue, I could give it to you, so I don't think we should do any more today...

Conrad: If you give the cold to me, then you'll recover.  My body is also stronger, so a little cold won't be a problem.
Yuuri: How could I do that!

Yuuri: I don't want Conrad to be sick like me...
Conrad: Then you're sure you don't want to do anything today?
Yuuri: Yeah, I don't want to.  I...?!

Yuuri: Nn!
Conrad: You're always so gentle, thinking of others.  However, it's truly all right because today, no matter what, I... really want you...

Yuuri: (Wow!  So cute!)
Yuuri: (I'm not a man if I don't take action now!)  Then can we...
Conrad: However, I have a request.  You're sick now, and you're not feeling well, so let me do all the work this time...

Conrad: Today, I'll be the one to embrace you.
Yuuri: Eh?!  What?!  Then that means...?!

Yuuri: Ah, Conrad...  Ah!  There...  Ah!  Not like this!  Conrad!  Yaaaa!

Conrad: Mmm, delicious.

Conrad: You're so cute.  Now then, shall we continue?
Yuuri: Uh...!

Yuuri: If it's with Conrad, then I'll do anything you want.  I'm willing to be held by Conrad, but please be gentle!
Conrad: Don't worry, I won't let you feel any pain.
Yuuri: ?!  ...Aaaah!

Yuuri: Nn!  Aaugh...  Conrad, stop!  You'll hurt yourself like this!
Conrad: Yuuri...  Just a little more...
Yuuri: Conrad!
Conrad: Let me feel a little more...!
Yuuri: Yaaah!

Conrad: (Perhaps you don't know, but hearing you say that you wanted to come see me no matter what, I was really very happy.  I feel the same way.  I couldn't wait to see you, to hear you, and then...)  Ah!  Nnnaah!  Uh...!  Yuuri!  Love...  I love you...!
Yuuri: (Conrad...!)

Yuuri: Conrad is mine...  Mine...
Conrad: (Like this, I can feel you, so deep...  So good...)  Augh!
Yuuri: And I'm... Conrad's!

Conrad: Ah!  Aaaah!  There...  I'm going to, I'm going to...
Yuuri: Conrad!  Nn!  Together!  I love you, too!  I love you so much!
Conrad: Yaaah!  Yuuri...!  Ah!

Conrad: Nn, Yuuri... Are you all right?  I'm sorry to have pushed you like this...
Yuuri: You didn't push me at all!  I feel great now!  If I can keep embracing Conrad like this, it would be awesome!

Yuuri: My cold's a lot better, too.  So I guess sweating it out did make me feel better!

Yuuri: Anyway, I feel a hundred times more awake!  It's like I have unlimited energy!
Conrad: Really...
Yuuri: Because Conrad made me get this way...  So Conrad has to take responsibility!
Conrad: Responsibility, you say?

Conrad: Ah?!
Yuuri: Of course it's just like this! ♥

Conrad: Nnnaah!  Ah...ah!  Yuuri!  Don't...
Yuuri: Haahn!
Conrad: Yuu...ri!  Ah!  Ah...
Yuuri: I'm right here!  My Conrad...

*lots of moaning sounds - you get the point*
Conrad: I can't...  Aaah!  I... I'm going to... again...  Ah!

Conrad: Nnnaah!  Yuuri!  Please...!  Aaah!  So hot...  There!  Ah!  Yuuri's... so hot!
Yuuri: Gah!  It's too enticing.  If it goes on like this...

Yuuri: Conrad, I'm sorry, but I can't stop right now.  One more time!
Conrad: Ah?!  Yuuri...  Nn!
Yuuri: Aaaaah!  Conrad!  It's still not enough!  Once more!
Conrad: You still want to...
Yuuri: Once more!
Conrad: ...

Yuuri: Good morning, Conrad.
Conrad: Heika, good morning.
Yuuri: There you go again!  Don't call me Heika.
Conrad: My apologies, Yuuri.  Nnn, your illness...
SFX: *sparkle sparkle*
Yuuri: Don't worry!  It's all gone!  Conrad is the most effective medicine!  Heh!

Yuuri: Actually, I was wondering if I'd given it to you?  Ne, does your head hurt?  Does your throat hurt?
Conrad: No, not at all.  There's nothing like that, Yuuri.
Yuuri: But, yesterday, we did those things...  So I was a little worried!
Conrad: I'm fine, really.
Yuuri: That's good.  It looks like my cold and I both didn't want Conrad to get sick!

Conrad: Yuuri...
Yuuri: Huh?  Ah!  Gwendal!  What are you...?!
Gwendal: ...  Heika is sick, so I came to see you.  I heard that Conrad was taking care of you.  Oh, so he took care of you until he wound up in your bed.

Conrad: Gwen!  Actually...  Ugh!
Yuuri: Conrad!  Careful!  Does it still hurt there?
Conrad: It's nothing...
Yuuri: I'm sorry!  Conrad, it was all because I went overboard.  I've made it so difficult for you, Conrad.
Conrad: Yuuri, you don't have to apologize for something like this.
Yuuri: But you were tempting me so much that I couldn't control myself!  I really couldn't help doing it a few more times!
Conrad: I didn't...

Gwendal: Enough!  You two can stop now!  Tch!
Yuuri: Hey!  Gwendal, what are you doing taking off your clothes!
Gwendal: Conrad, get over here!
Conrad: Ah!  Gwen...!

Yuuri: Eh?!
Conrad: Gwen!  What are you doing?!
Gwendal: Stay still!  Otherwise you'll fall!

Conrad: Gwen, let me down!  I'd like to stay with Yuuri!
Gwendal: That's enough, just obey me!
Yuuri: Gwendal, where are you taking Conrad!
Gwendal: Conrad wishes for Heika to rest, so today I will be taking care of you.
Yuuri: NOOOO!


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