On behalf of
tsukizu (who drafted the rules) and myself, I am pleased to announce the Conradcentric Default Icon Contest!
The contest will be held every other month. Winning icons will be the default icon for conradcentric for a two month period, until the next winner is announced.
You will have two weeks from the date of announcement to submit your icons. The deadline for the first contest is midnight PT on Wednesday, October 4th.
Icon creators must be members of the community in order to participate and must be the ones to submit the work.
Icons must contain images of Conrad and only Conrad. None of the other characters should appear. This is a community for Conrad, so the icons should reflect that. Plus we don't want to start any shipping wars, savvy? ;)
All icons should include the text 'conradcentric', as we'd like them to reflect the name of the community the winner will be representing as default icon.
Images must be from an official source like the manga, novels, anime, merchandise, and/or magazine pictures. No fanart or doujinshi images, please.
Please credit everything you used to create the icon, especially if it wasn't made by you. This includes but is not limited to the images, brushes, and textures. Of course, we'd love to know if you made the stuff, too.
A maximum of 5 icons per person may be entered into the contest.
Please email the icons to thejennabides[at]livejournal[dot]com and tsukizu[at]livejournal[dot]com. Judging will be done in a blind poll, so please do not post icons entered into the contest anywhere until after the close of the contest - this includes here at conradcentric, other KKM and icon comms, and your own personal journal. Once the contest is over, of course, you are free and encouraged to post anywhere you like.
We would love to have a gallery of all entries in the comm's scrapbook, with full credit to each creator. When you submit, please include a note about whether you would like to be archived or not.
As mentioned above, judging will be done in a blind poll open to comm members. The mods will post the icons for the community's viewing pleasure, with an assigned number in place of the creator's name to ensure that judging is an unbiased as possible. Credits will be added once the poll is closed.
Voting is open to all comm members, and to comm members only. The mods will compare the votes against comm membership and discount any votes from non-members.
As is the standard for lj polls, you may vote only once.
In the event of a tie, we will have a run-off in the form of another poll.
At the end of the polling period, the icon with the most votes will be the default icon for conradcentric until results are announced for the next contest (a two month period).
In addition, tsukizu has generously offered to make a little banner for each winner. This banner may be used anywhere the winner wishes (lj, website, etc.), with a link back to the comm if possible.
Winning icons will remain in the comm userpics (with creator credit, of course) even after a new default icon is declared.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment to this entry or contact one of us via email. Thanks, and happy icon making!