I accidentally stumbled across an mp3 of Ievan Polkka, the song from the leekspin flash, and thought I'd share. Since I don't have my own hosting thingie, yousendit will have to do!
Oh, I already knew what that song was (and managed to download it along with other songs by the band) over a week ago. ...Yeah, okay, I'm just waving my mad music skillz around, observe my ego.
But, really, I have mad music skillz. Just ask Blossom @ Gate.
So next time you wonder something about music, give me a call, and I'll make sure whatever you stumble upon isn't an accident. [/Mobster]
Comments 2
...Yeah, okay, I'm just waving my mad music skillz around, observe my ego.
But, really, I have mad music skillz. Just ask Blossom @ Gate.
So next time you wonder something about music, give me a call, and I'll make sure whatever you stumble upon isn't an accident. [/Mobster]
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