Jun 09, 2011 14:08

GAME RULES( navigation. )

No godmoding.
We all know what this means. Don’t do it! Be sure to ask a player before involving their character in anything and try not to make assumptions unless you’re absolutely sure!

No wanking.
Seriously, don’t. Don’t make personal attacks, and if you need to crit someone, please do it with kindness and respect. If you have concerns about the game, or are having trouble with a player, please contact one of us or use the concerns and inquiries page, which we check regularly.

Remember, just because someone’s character is a raging jerk to yours doesn’t mean they have anything against you personally! Some characters are just bastards. This is normal. At the same time, try not to let OOC matters leak into IC playing. Let’s all get along, okay?

Be polite.
We all have off days, days where we're just not at our best. Try to be considerate of other players and nice to everyone, and understanding if someone does seem to be having an off day. Forgive and forget! If a player continues to be rude, please take it to a mod, but always try to respect other players!

Stay active!
Here in Discedo we expect a certain level of activity. We have a monthly Activity Check, and require one post and one thread of 10 comments in order to pass. Failure to check in (unless you're on hiatus) will result in an automatic removal from the game.

Remember to intro!.
After you are accepted, you are expected to introduce your character within three days of being accepted. If something comes up and you can’t do this, please contact one of us and we’ll see what we can do for you!

Don't abuse the hiatus system.
Please, nobody likes a character squatter. We will be keeping track of who hiatuses and when, and we’ll know if you’ve been taking advantage of the hiatus system. If you’re having a legitimate problem with making activity due to real life circumstances, please contact one of us to explain and we’ll see what we can arrange.

If you have a problem with another player…
…Take it to a mod. While we understand that not everyone likes dragging third parties into things, we can offer intervention, mediation, and action in the worst cases to help solve your problems before they get big enough that we have to get involved anyway. Everything reported to a mod stays absolutely confidential between you and the moderator team.

Remember the Golden Rule!
That is to say, treat others the way you would like to be treated. Although this is the internet, there are still real people with real feelings on the other side of that screen. Don’t be rude, or inappropriate, or make others uncomfortable. Be good to each other, and remember that, at the end of the day, it’s just a game!

In the event of mod action:
We have a three strike system when it comes to most of these rules; break the rules three times and you're out. However, we also reserve the right to take stronger action when the case warrants it: if you, for example, bully other players, we will be much firmer than if you are just rude to someone one time. We, again, recognize that sometimes people make mistakes and just have bad days. For this reason, a "first strike" is simply a warning and probably will be brushed aside. It's only if things become a repeat problem that we will take additional action.

= rules, + information

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