Jun 11, 2008 15:40

Plot & Spectavi Suggestions

Have an idea for a plot you'd like to see or a large-scale game event you'd like to run? Leave it here! Suggestions may be as vague or as detailed as you like.

Spectavi Suggestions
spectavi is dedicated to bringing characters the most up-to-date and completely unbiased news! Seeing as Spectavi runs every other week this is a lot of news to keep up with. If you have any events or rumors you'd like to suggest for news coverage you can do so here. For in-game events please give a brief, but concise synopsis. You may also link threads. Suggestions can include broad events such as a new building generator, personal ones such as two friends fighting and rumors as outrageous as you like (alien invasions, characters being pregnant, predictions of catastrophes and apocalypses, big foot: if you could find it in the National Enquirer or the Sun feel free to suggest it!).

=spectavi suggestions, + suggestions, = plot suggestions

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