Nonexistent Manners

Sep 05, 2006 19:55

Title: Nonexistent Manners
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/General
Length: 575
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Summary: Ron has terrible table manners.
Note: Written for hp_ficathon 'meal.'

Hermione sat in front of Ron, staring in disgust. He always did this. Always ate like a pig, shoveling the food into his mouth like it was going out of fashion. After two minutes Hermione always had to look away for fear of tossing her meal.

Sure enough, two minutes after they started eating Hermione looked away. He was talking now. Talking about Quidditch or something of that sort. Little particles of food were flying out of his mouth and hitting the table, coating the shiny wood. It wouldn't be shiny for much longer.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Hermione commanded. Why did she go out for dinner with him? He had the worst table manners. He was even worse when they ate at home, which was why she sometimes insisted on them going out. But then she always felt embarrassed, especially when other people noticed his behavior.

"Shorry, Hermony," he garbled around a mouthful. Hermione winced. There was no use in telling him how disgusting he was, or to mind his manners. She had learned that a long time ago. It didn't improve his method of eating.

Once Ron reached the ice cream, she sighed in relief. He always ate that slowly, savoring the taste. If it weren't for the fact that he ate it too slowly and the ice cream melted onto his fingers, where he promptly licked it off, his manners would have been acceptable.

"Aren't you hungry?" Ron asked, peaking his tongue out and licking his thumb. Hermione shook her head, an annoyed look on her face. "Did you want to go to the park then? Walk under the moon or something?" he said it as a joke, but there was a smile on his face.

Hermione nodded. She knew the only reason he suggested it was because it was his way of getting back on her good side. He always suggested something romantic after eating out.

Ron grinned widely and started licking the ice cream off his hand. A child at the table next to them watched him then plunged her hand into her corn, imitating Ron by licking it off. Her mum scolded her, shooting Ron a disapproving look that he didn't catch. Hermione did though.

Before Hermione could scold Ron, he reached his sticky hand across the table and cupped hers in it. Hermione slouched in her chair, groaning in disgust. She loved Ron but sometimes wondered if he was worth it. Suddenly Ron leaned across the table and kissed her chastely. He stood and headed to the loo to wash his hands. Hermione walked to the girls' loo. Now she had a sticky hand and mouth.

After washing up they strolled to the park, Hermione glad to place her hand in Ron's dry one. Next time they would eat at Molly Weasley's. Ron always had the best manners there. It was only a matter of time before Hermione could tame Ron's eating habits. Or so she hoped. One could only stand so many years of eating with Ron, and Hermione had her fair share.

Under the light of the moon Ron reached out and cupped her face. A light breeze blew through his hair. "Love you, Hermione," he whispered before burying his face in her hair and inhaling. Hermione couldn't help the smile that spread on her face. It seemed she would be staying around a very long time, no matter how Ron's eating habits were.

ficathon, drabble, ron/hermione

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