Title: Paint
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Length: 409
Pairing: Frank/Alice
Frank dragged his feet through the front door, letting it slam shut behind him. All he wanted to do was kick back with tea and a copy of the Daily Prophet. Work at the Auror office had been hectic what with an attack that morning.
"Alice! Darling, I'm home!" After receiving no response he called, "Where are you?"
A faint "Upstairs," traveled down the steps. Her voice cracked in the middle. Frank passed a weary hand over his face. When he had left in the morning Alice said she was going to paint the baby's room. She couldn't still be doing that, could she? The healers told her to keep off her feet; their child was supposed to be born in two weeks.
Frank walked up the steps and took a deep breath before opening the door to the baby's room. He gasped. The left side of the room was in blue paint with decals of Quidditch while the other half was pink with decals of butterflies and fairies.
"Erm," Frank stuttered. To the right of him Alice popped up, tears on her face. "What's wrong, darling?" He reached his arms out and she fell into his chest.
Burying her face in Frank’s cloak, she mumbled, "I couldn’t decide how to paint the room! I don't know if our child will be a boy or a girl, and there really were no decals for in between. And then I couldn't figure out what color!" She balled the fabric of his cloak in her tiny hands and sniffled, trying to stop her sobs. "I'm sorry, Frank. I'm just not ready yet. We didn't work on the baby's room, and she or he will be coming in two weeks."
"Oh, Alice," Frank said, pulling her away so he could look into her eyes. "It's fine. I think it's a very -- er -- lovely room.” He wiped the tears away with his thumb and she blinked blankly at him. "Our child will just have gender issues, that's all. You didn't do any harm."
Through her tears, Alice smiled and started hiccupping. "I love you, Frank. But I'm getting a professional. Come look with me?" She grabbed his hand and wobbled to the door, tugging him with.
Frank smiled fondly. He watched as his wife rested a hand over her bulging stomach. He entwined their fingers and whispered, giving up on any last though of tea and reading, "Okay, darling. Let’s go."