pairing meme

Mar 17, 2012 20:38

Borrowed from synnerxx because it looked like fun and I am sick, bored and currently unable to focus on much of anything, lol.

Give me a fandom and I will give you my:

favourite canon pairing
worst pairing ever
guilty pleasure pairing
a pairing you want to see more
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”

Helpful note: fandoms I'll be able to ( Read more... )

well this sounds fun, meme, things that make me smile, my awesome flist, awesome things, greetings

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Comments 28

bballgirl3022 March 18 2012, 03:40:30 UTC


confetticas March 18 2012, 03:56:40 UTC
otp - this is hard, because I am definitely a multishipper and I can ship both Adam and Sam with pretty much anyone. I guess I'll go with Sam/Gabriel because they're my default comfort read pairing, lol. Or we could go OT3 and I'd say Adam/Michael/Raphael XD
favourite canon pairing - Not that long ago, I'd have been saying, 'canon pairings? NO.' but then Repo Man happened and I can say, most enthusiastically, JEFFERY/DEMON FTW! XD
worst pairing ever - I honestly have no idea. If I don't like a pairing, which is a rare occasion, I just try to avoid it and forget about it, lolol.
guilty pleasure pairing - Sam/Lucifer/Adam/Michael. I feel like I should feel bad about shipping them, but I love them too much to manage it. :P
a pairing you want to see more - Adam/Raphael
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - I wouldn't say that 'everyone' likes it, but I just can't get into Dean/Gabriel at all. Don't know why, it just doesn't work for me. :/


ladyknightanka March 18 2012, 18:04:00 UTC
HELL YEAH, JEFFREY/DEMON. That's my favorite canon pairing, too.

Feel guilty for none of the above. I approve. ♥


confetticas March 20 2012, 23:27:07 UTC
Jeffery/Demon is amazing. I can't even put into words how much I love them and I'm pretty sure it's your fault. :P This is good blame though, I promise. XD

*smishes* I'm glad you approve! :D ♥


ladyknightanka March 18 2012, 03:42:33 UTC
The Avengers?


confetticas March 18 2012, 04:05:48 UTC
LOL, I KNEW that I was forgetting something obvious. *smish*

otp - Steve/Tony all the way! XD
favourite canon pairing - canon pairings? They do not exist in my world. :P *fingers in ears* lol, maybe Steve/Peggy? Steve is just so sweet, and I loved Peggy sfm.
worst pairing ever - I don't think that I can answer this one for ANY fandom. I don't like to hate on ships even when I don't like them, but it's genuinely rare that I really dislike a ship. :/
guilty pleasure pairing - Tony/Loki, I just can't help but love them together.
a pairing you want to see more - I haven't ventured all that much outside of Steve/Tony, Tony/Loki, and Thor/Loki and there's a fair amount of all three, but I wouldn't say no to more! :P
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - Um. I've seen quite a bit of Clint/Coulson floating about? I'm sure that if I gave it a chance I would probably get hooked, but so far it hasn't clicked, lol.


ladyknightanka March 18 2012, 18:06:04 UTC
I like Tony/Loki, too. In fact, Steve/Tony, Tony/Loki and Thor/Loki are also my go-to pairings. I don't mind Clint/Coulson. Tbh, I don't know too much about their characters, so if they're a side-pairing, I'm like meh. If I learned about them, I'm sure I might get interested. :)


confetticas March 20 2012, 23:29:16 UTC
They are awesome go-to pairings, imo. :D

With Clint/Coulson it isn't so much that I MIND it, because I'll read things where they're a side pairing and I wouldn't if they bugged me, it's just that I don't really get it, lol. Like I said though, if I gave it a chance, I'd probably get hooked. That seems to be what happens to every pairing I'm not sure about at first, lolol. :)

*smishes* ♥


_bluebells March 18 2012, 04:31:30 UTC
Because I need fuel, recs, and direction for my new love: Criminal Minds!


confetticas March 18 2012, 05:24:37 UTC
otp - Hotch/Reid, but I ship Reid with pretty much everyone, so I'm not sure it counts, lolol.
favourite canon pairing - In general, not just CM, I sometimes forget that there ARE canon pairings. Is that bad? *sheepish* Hmm, I honestly don't know. :/
worst pairing ever - Oh lookie, I actually CAN answer this one this time. I'm gonna say Gideon/Reid here.
guilty pleasure pairing - I'm not sure I'd call it a guilty pleasure, but Rossi/Reid. I wasn't sure about it at first but awhile back, I read a really, really good fic and since then there've been quite a few more that I've enjoyed. XD
a pairing you want to see more - not that it's uncommon, but I don't think there's such a thing as 'too much Hotch/Reid', lolol
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - Honestly, I think the only pairing I've seen that I really, really didn't like was Gideon/Reid


ladyknightanka March 18 2012, 18:07:40 UTC
Gideon/Reid also does not compute for me. I like Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Reid and Rossi/Reid, though. Pretty much Reid/everybody, lol. As for canon, Garcia/Kevin and JJ/Will are pretty cute?


confetticas March 20 2012, 23:32:00 UTC
Reid/everybody (except Gideon) wins, definitely! :D

I'm sort of neutral on both Garcia/Kevin and JJ/Will. They're cute, but they don't make me squee or anything, you know? *shrug* Reid/everyone. It's a good OTP. :P


nights_fang March 18 2012, 14:09:56 UTC
Good Omens!


confetticas March 20 2012, 23:25:53 UTC
Sorry it took so long for me to answer this! I don't think it really occurred to me that when it comes to Good Omens, I've pretty much never read fic that wasn't Aziraphale/Crowley or gen. So um, for most of the questions, I honestly don't know. :/ Actually, really, for all of them but OTP. *fail*

I'm sorry, lovely. I reallllly didn't think that through, lol. D'you want to ask me a different fandom?


nights_fang March 21 2012, 05:27:30 UTC
Naw, it's all right. I think most people when it comes to GO, keep being blown away completely by it most of the time to think about what aspects they like the most. (I mean my answer to this would pretty much be "everything" on repeat.)

As for fandoms: Suits!


confetticas March 21 2012, 06:03:11 UTC
Hee, I didn't think of that! 'Everything' on repeat would've worked perfectly, except for the 'pairing you don't like' questions! :P

Suits! Now this one, I can do! XD

otp - Harvey/Mike FTW!
favourite canon pairing - is 'no' an acceptable answer? It's my answer for almost every fandom on this question, lol.
worst pairing ever - I haven't actually read any of this, but I'm told Trevor/Mike fic exists and I honestly just don't get it. :/
guilty pleasure pairing - the only issue with this question is that implies I feel shame, lolol. IDK, I mostly read Harvey/Mike, lol.
a pairing you want to see more - It would be very, very silly to answer this question with Harvey/Mike, wouldn't it? But there's no such thing as too much Harvey/Mike, so I'm saying it anyways. :P
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - I don't think I've heard of anything that really made me go 'lol no' other than the Trevor/Mike. But this is one of those rare fandoms where I genuinely have an OTP, so I'm sure there's something else out there, lol.


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