
Jun 24, 2011 10:58

do you guys see my nicholas hoult icon. he is perfect and nothing hurts. nothiiiiiiiiing.-i finished ano hana. tears. just. infinite amount of tears. i rec this anime to anyone and everyone it is absolutely lovely ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

HI NEW FRIEND~~~ :D confidantes June 24 2011, 19:27:57 UTC
unfortunately, i don't have msn yet, but er, feel free to email me or something! xD my email is great.crusaders@gmail.com, so yeah~

YOUR NICHOLAS HOULT ICON IS INDEED FABULOUS. this might be a sort of blasphemous revelation, but i don't watch skins and i didn't even realize he played tony stonem until recently. rather, i know him from the movie a single man, which is one of my favorite movies of 2009. 8D

ANYHOO~ glad your sleeping patterns are normal again! i screw mine up a lot too, from being on the computer at odd hours of the night, and it takes me a week to get it to "normal human time" again. :|

MMM CHOCOLATE SOUFFLES. i have definitely scarfed down dessert really quickly like that before, so don't worry~ xD

erm, as for music recs -- what kind of music do you like? i've been listening to a quite a lot of bon iver recently, so there's that. also, i'm just in LOVE with lady gaga's new album, so if you like her and haven't given it a try yet, i definitely recommend that. :)


Re: HI NEW FRIEND~~~ :D conditionally June 24 2011, 19:33:17 UTC
oh pft that's okay communicating via lj is fine too :D

ISN'T HE LOVELY. oh my word!! i first got to know him because of skins. he was such a sexy tony asdjflasdjflasdjfsadlfj I LOVE HIM. but oh my lord he is amazing in a single man as well, he was my absolute favorite, kenny potter take me nowww. i loved that film as well :)

yeah it was actually tiring getting back to normal but i'm sure it will be worth it. i need to be in normal human time to be able to survive irl lol

okay okay i don't feel alone BUT I REALLY WAS STUNNED it was like a battle as to who would be able to eat the most

i like a little bit of everything tbh though my favorites are always soft indie like death cab for cutie. i love everything gaga puts out xD i will give this bon iver a try!


Re: HI NEW FRIEND~~~ :D confidantes June 25 2011, 04:41:48 UTC
HE IS QUITE LOVELY. i've just always been too lazy to watch skins (too many episodes to catch up on, lol! the number is quite intimidating D:), but UNF, he was amazing in a single man. my love for that movie knows no bounds :'D

haha, totally know what you mean. like, it's always a struggle being a lazy bum who sleeps until 3pm during the summer/breaks, and then having to go back to a normal school schedule during the year. D:

LOL xD i don't think i've battled anyone in eating before. mostly because i eat rather slowly, actually. D:

oooh, me too, i listen to almost errrthing~ mostly rock, i guess, and indie stuff because i'm such a wannabe hipster. >_> and i have so much love and respect for gaga~ :'D


Re: HI NEW FRIEND~~~ :D conditionally June 26 2011, 13:23:52 UTC
lol tbh the first two seasons are the only two worth watching. the other seasons are alright but i didn't like season 5 and it just gets more fucked up as it goes along ;w; mhmm yes he was so delicious and nakeeeeed.

well now i get desperately tired at like 10pm and end up waking up at 4am so >_> it seems i will always have strange patterns...

believe me, my siblings are the only ones i battle with. otherwise i like to savor my food

LOL WANNABEE HIPSTER do you have a ukele because then you're definitely hipster :D


faorism June 24 2011, 23:14:40 UTC
Following you with duendest. :)


conditionally June 25 2011, 04:17:24 UTC
Followed you baaaack :D


compatable June 25 2011, 02:37:12 UTC
ugh i bet when it's around thanksgiving, you guys will be eating and one someone says something, you'll look up from your plate and say, "HEY. YOU'RE TALKING TOO MUCH." hahaha food having the ability to change people in ways that can't be explained.

and like, i passed by you on the friending meme. LOL I WAS SO EMBARRASSING BECAUSE I WAS LOOKING AT IT AND SAYING "WHY IS SHII SO CUTE. LOOK AT HER CUTE PROFILE AND HER CUTE GIFS AND HER CUTE EVERYTHING." ugh you and friending memes combined is lethal. also, your nicholas hoult icon. THERE IS LIKE NO BAD PHOTOSHOOT I CAN FIND OF HIM.

man oh man lucas till in vacation 8. this is way better than him being in the spy next door. i really do hope he's in a lot of good movies, though.


conditionally June 26 2011, 13:18:37 UTC
lol i tried replying to this via my phone but it was too hard :(

anyways, yeah! if someone tries talking to me when i'm eating i just give them this look like 'DON'T BOTHER ME I'M EATING' pfft my whole family is like that haha.

asdlkfasldkjflkasjdflajsdf NO YOU'RE CUTE WHAT THE HECK ;w; daw this made me smile like no other ydek. lol i am not that cute ;w; and I KNOW WHY IS HE SO PERFECT AND PHOTOGENIC

yeeeeeees i saw that trailer. i am so excited though through most of the trailer i'm just like "they just fall down a lot - here fall! ...fall! ...fall!!" LOL I'M SO DUMB. but ugh he looks so delicious did you see him ugh ugh ugh i love him so much me too by god me too. i hope his huge fanbase spurs directors to take him


kangfany June 25 2011, 12:27:36 UTC

I gave myself a headache crying so hard yesterday. ~_______~ it made me wanna fic so bad. ugh.


conditionally June 26 2011, 13:21:38 UTC

i teared up for serious. omg you totally should!


yy0620 February 17 2013, 02:01:01 UTC
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