Character(s): Rinoa Heartilly, Squall Leonhart
Location: Around Garden
Rating: G? PG?
Open/Closed/Finished: Closed
Summary: They need to talk. Whether it's about the situation concerning the sorceresses and accusations thrown around about Garden. Or the gossip column. It's talk time!
It had to be a little past four. It was Thursday. Classes were scheduled to begin the following Monday while a game of Hide and Seek was scheduled for the day before. Squall wasn't exactly sure about games being played around Garden when they had much bigger things to deal with. But who was he to just stomp on their fun and tell them 'no', Commander or not. Their classes this quarter were harder than before. Longer morning sessions, and the quarters had been extended in time as well. At the moment he was on the search for Rinoa. Irvine had nudged him earlier that week to speak with her. He wasn't sure whether Irvine meant about the sorceress situation or the gossip column, but either way Squall couldn't keep avoiding it forever.
Maybe it was a good thing Quistis couldn't remember much. And maybe it was an even better thing that Xu refused to speak of what had happened that night whenever asked. Of course nothing big had happened. Xu had somehow managed to slip a full bottle of vodka into his room, insisting that the fun and games were far from over. And they'd had a Triple Triad game, or two. Which of course then ended up as Strip Triple Triad as soon as Xu brought the challenge to the table. Quistis being as competitive as she was didn't back down at all and had taken up Xu on the challenge.
Squall had chosen to sit out of that, choosing to sit in the armchair across from the table and glare at them most of the time.
A complete party pooper is what Xu had dubbed him. Until he had stumbled to the door to slap a hand on the lock and follow the two into the bedroom. But like he cared. Nothing had happened. But how to tell that to everyone who read the newsletter or received a copy of it...?
Squall was grateful for the main floor of Garden being as empty as it was at that moment. But he wondered where she could be, stopping near the elevator to take a look around. She had no idea he was looking for her which no doubt made the search for her all the more difficult.